"Shut the gate!" I heard Legolas yelling in elvish and not a second later I heard the horn blow signaling the guards at the gate.

One of them quickly closed the gate and I ran faster trying to reach the gate. The dwarves were trapped.

But what happened next happened so fast.

All of a sudden an orc shot an arrow at one of the guards and jumped over the gate.

I watched the guard slowly fall and more orcs came. I grabbed my bow and an arrow and started to get closer to the gates.

They began to kill the guards at the gates.

I had never seen anything die before except those foul spiders, but I knew going up against these orcs would be ten times worse.

More and more orcs were coming up from behind the gate and started throwing themselves into the water to get to the dwarves.

What is going on?

I saw Kili step on the top of a barrel and make his way over to where the lever was to open the gates. I couldnt believe what he was doing.

Dwalin threw him a sword to defend himself, but it wasnt much. I saw more and more coming after him. I loaded my bow and shot an arrow at the ones coming near him.

But when I thought I had killed most of them, I saw one of the biggest orcs shoot an arrow hitting Kili. The arrow went into his leg and he froze in his steps.

"No." I whispered.

He tried to pull the lever down, but he was becoming weak and fell on the ground in pain.

I saw a smaller orc coming near him and quickly shot him.

Kili looked over and saw me.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry, but I had made the big orc very mad.

He watched as I shot another and then stabbed two others. I heard him huff and become angry.

"Kill her! Kill the she elf!" It yelled.

I chopped off one of the orcs heads and wondered where I had the strength to do that.

Legolas and the some more of the guard had come finally and were killing many of the orcs. Where were they all coming from?

I continued to fight, hoping Kili would find the strength to get up and pull the lever and him and the dwarves could go.

When I looked over at Kili, I saw he had pulled the lever, and fell back down. The dwarves started to go through the gates and down the little waterfall.

Kili rolled over to the edge and slipped into a barrel next to his older brother and the arrow snapped causing him to yell in pain.

While I was distracted making sure he got away an orc came up behind me and tried to take my bow. I quickly flipped him over and he fell into the water.

The dwarves had all slipped through the gates, but the orcs followed the dwarves instead of staying and fighting with us. I wonder why?

Some did stay and fight and I tried to kill as many as I could before going after the orcs that were chasing the dwarves.

Legolas had reached his way up to me and we were fighting alongside each other, I was terrified that after this he was going to be very angry and blow up on me.

Legolas didn't stop with the orcs there. He jumped over the gate and I jumped over following him.

We continued to shoot arrows at the orcs and ran while trying to kill them all.

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