Chapter 8

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I can tell that Victor has said so much more to the principal than just asking to take us home early. You want to know how I know this? Because Victor really is just like my father was. He stands up for what is right and just and he refuses to let his family get hurt for nothing. Also, as soon as he takes us home, he and Deb announce that they're both taking an off from work tomorrow so they can spend the whole weekend with us kids.

"Do you find this as weird as I do?" Asa asks me after I'm done showering and changing out of my stained clothes.

I look at him and wonder whether I'll finally be able to talk to him normally. I had spoken perfectly fine when I had explained to Deb and Victor about what had really happened. So maybe I finally got over not being able to talk in front of the new kid. It's been more than a month so it's been long enough.

"Them taking an off from work?" I ask and he nods before he realizes that I didn't stutter.

I realize it, too, and then notice that my hands haven't gone sweaty and my heart isn't racing in my chest. But my cheeks do flush when he looks at me in awe.

"You're finally talking to me-"

I glance at him gingerly and he shuts up. He raises an eyebrow as if he's waiting for me to say something but my words are lodged in my throat.

"Thanks," I say after several beats. "No one's ever punched a guy for me."

"He was being a jerk." Asa turns back to his mug of coffee. "And I honestly found Sydney's reason to bully you insanely stupid."

I feel my heart stop for a second before crawling up my throat. My lungs are suddenly frozen solid and the lack of oxygen makes my eyes sting.

"She told you?" I ask carefully and he nods.

Although the fact that he finds Sydney's story stupid, I can't be completely happy because I didn't want him to know. I kept wishing that no one would tell him or he wouldn't ask but he did and I couldn't say that it didn't hurt.

"Cal," he says and I drag my gaze to his. "Even though what she told me makes absolutely no sense and gives her no reason whatsoever to be bullying you four years later, can you tell me what really happened?"

My eyes widen as shock fills me and making me drop the glass of orange juice I'm holding. It doesn't spill since my glass is plastic and I had barely lifted it off the counter but it makes both of our eyes flicker to it. And then he's staring at me again but this time as if he doesn't know why I'm so shocked. And the reason I'm so shocked is because no one has ever asked about my side of the story. No one has ever tried to see both sides and no one has ever asked as if they will believe what I tell them.

"Hey kids!" Victor walks into the awkward atmosphere with obliviousness. "So I managed to get an off tomorrow. Is there something you guys want to do? Shopping? Amusement park? Picnic?"

"Don't make extra work for Cal and me," Deb saunters into the kitchen and takes a seat next to me. "We aren't going to cook for a picnic."

"I think Lennon would like to go to the amusement park," I tell them as I remember Len telling me that she's the only one in her grade who hasn't been to it yet. "But I think Shale and Yuna wouldn't be allowed on most of the rides."

"I can take them on the kiddie rides," Deb offers. "Or entertain them otherwise."

"That's just because she's scared of the big rides," Victor whispers to us and I can't help but smile.

Warmth spreads through me as Deb playfully thwacks Victor's arm since she obviously heard him. In that moment, I can't help but feel extremely lucky that they took me in and love me as their own. Then I feel the heat of Asa's gaze and my smile slips away. I haven't even smiled in front of my own family in such a long time.

Later, Deb goes to pick up the other kids from their respective schools while I laze around in my room. I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, my mind replaying the events of the day and even though many of them were bad memories, it makes me smile. Asa, being the only new student in our grade, punched the most popular guy in the face for bullying me even when he didn't know my side of the story Sydney had told him. Victor managed to pull us out of school and we now had a plan to go to the amusement park.

A knock bursts my bubble and I sit up just as the hatch opens and Lennon sticks her head through.

"Can we come in?" she asks.

I nod before I realize that she said we and not I. But it's already too late and she climbs in, Asa in tow. I watch them as they settle on my mattress, wondering when they had gotten so close.

"So mom and dad pulled you guys out of school early, huh?" she asks even though I can tell from both their faces that Asa has already filled her in. "I wish they pulled me out, too."

"What exactly has Asa told you?" I ask, sending him a look but he smiles back, his dimples appearing and making me look away.

"That he got into a fight because some guy threw food at you," she answers. "And that mom and dad got called to school."

"He didn't throw food at me," I tell her before glaring at Asa. "He flipped my own tray at me."

Did he have to go and tell my little sister everything? She didn't need to know about my life as a social outcast. I had stopped telling her a while go to keep her from worrying.

He shrugs. "Minor details."

"And Asa only punched him once before the fight was broken." I manage an eye roll.

"Again minor details-"

"I would have at least gotten a kick between the legs," Lennon cuts him off and a chuckle escapes my lips before I seal them shut again.

Lennon smirks at Asa and I feel the urge to give her a high five. She's still on my side.

"Well, you kids are getting a trip to the amusement park because of that one punch so you better be grateful," Asa scolds her and her eyes widen.

She looks at me for confirmation and I give her a nod which sends her squealing into Asa's arms.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she chants again and again before pulling away from him and hugging me. "I've been waiting for so long for this! I have to go thank mom and dad."

She starts going down the stairs so fast I have my heart in my throat, afraid that she'll fall and hurt herself. But when she lands on her feet at the bottom, I let go of the breath I'm holding.

"Wow, she's really buoyant." Asa watches as she scampers away.

I take a deep breath, waiting for him to leave as well since we're now alone but he doesn't. I will him not to ask about my side of the story again because I'm not ready to answer him just yet when he suddenly looks at me. I lower my eyes and he scoots closer. I feel my breath hitch as he leans in and I shut my eyes tight, my heart hammering in my chest. I hear him scoff and I open my eyes again to find him pulling away. He waves my black cap in the air and I watch as he stands up.

"I'm making it my personal responsibility to get rid of your social anxiety," he says and I stare at him, dumbfounded. "Step one, no more caps and hoodies. Let people see your face, it doesn't hurt."

He starts down the stairs as I gape after him. Is he serious? He's really going to try to force me back into a social life? Could he even do that? Could social anxiety even be cured?

"Oh, and-" He stops mid-step. "-you should smile more. You look really pretty when you smile."

And then he's gone.

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