Entry Three

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People have to pretend you're the bad person so they don't feel guilty about the things they do to you.

That was something Victor always told me whenever I came home crying after something Sydney did to me at school. But that was earlier when I used to tell them about my problems. That seems like a forever ago now. But I know that he's right. I know that it always takes two. It takes two people for a relationship to work, for them to break and for them to be fixed. And I can look at the girl who used to be my best friend and tell that she's never going to a part of that two again. Our relationship is never going to be fixed because she doesn't want to listen. She doesn't want to open her mind or her heart and listen to my side of the story. I hadn't done what she thought I did and no matter how many times I tried to explain it to her after that day, she never wanted to listen. She wasn't and will never be ready to admit that she had made a mistake; that only if she had listened, she could have saved me from myself.

What had happened that night wasn't my fault but I was forced to take the blame because no one would ever believe me.

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