Chapter 24: Old Love, Hello

Start from the beginning

"Why don't you hang out with him today?" Rin asked. Y/n looked shocked.

"That would kill my heart!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Len would protect you." Miku reassured her and patted her back.

Y/n sighed and nodded. They went back to the classroom and Y/n refused to talk. She knew, her voice would sound hoarse. She regretted crying so early in the morning. During lunch, when she tried to talk, her voice was still hoarse. Len would have guessed she was crying before school started but the reason, he doesn't know.

School resumed and Len made occasional glances towards Y/n and the clock. The teacher saw him distracted and asked him a lot of questions. Len answered them flawlessly of course, leaving the teacher questioning if Len was some kind of a superhuman genius or some kind of a extraordinary alien being. After that, the teacher never asked him anymore questions and Len could finally have a peace of mind. After that, school finally ended. Y/n went to him.

"Go out with me, Len. There's somewhere I want to go to." Y/n smiled.

"I was about to ask you the same. Where do you want to eat at?"

"I heard they're selling crepes at a park near our school, let's go there." Y/n suggested. Len nodded.

Miku watched the pair of hopeless beings leave the place and possibly go to somewhere where there's nice food. In an attempt to follow them, Miku invited Naoki together with her and they went to stalk the both of them. Miku watched them buy crepes and she does the same after watching them leave. She said oppsite them where she can't be seen and listened into their conversation. Miku found them to be a very sweet pair as they were joking around, laughing and talking to each other.

"Y/n, why did you cry?" Len asked, straight to the point.

"E-Eh? No use hiding it huh. I knew you would find out." Y/n said.

"I was scared." She continued.


"Of y-.. I mean of some tests." She lied, flawlessly and bite into some crepe.

"You have some cream on your mouth." Len leaned in and licked it.

Y/n blushed red beet and touched the side of her mouth that Len just licked. Len smiled. Miku was side glamcing amd cheering victory in her heart.

"What's the matter? We've kissed twice so this should be normal." Len teased.

"No way! We're not a couple!" Y/n shut her eyes tight and said insensitively. Len's smile drop suddenly.

"You know, the more I think of it, the more I think you might prefer a kiss." He looked into the distant sky.

"Probably but we're just friends." Y/n sighed.

"You want one?" Len looked at her.


"You look as if you wanted one." Len said, bluntly. Y/n remained quiet.

"Just kidding!" Len stood up and streched.

Len stood in front of her waiting for her to get up. Unexpectedly, she pulled his tie and kissed him. Len was startled and returned it anyway. Miku watched the whole thing and she wanted to squeal but couldn't. Of course, she only turned when Len closed his eyes. When they seperated, Y/n looked away and muttered a soft sorry. She furrowed her eyebrows and let got of his tie. Len brushed it off and smiled.

"That's what you get for teasing me." Y/n said.

"That's our third."

"Who said friends can't kiss right?" Y/n giggled.

"So you're just gonna keep on stealing my kiss then?" Len asked.

Y/n laughed and shook her head slowly. She felt a little more calm after that kiss and she couldn't really tell why she decided to act on her feelings and kissed him regardless. She wonders if it is because of her uncontrollable love for Len. She grew self conscious and hugged herself suddenly. Len who was watching her, felt confused. However, he held her hand anyway and led her home in silence.

They could be more than ever sure that they have feelings for each other. Yet, they feel anxiety for each other. For them, it is an old love being returned to them and they can only wait until the day they woild confess to each other. When that day comes, they hope they would be brave enough to express their feelings and not back out last minute. They're probably scared that one another wouldn't return their feelings but as of now they don't care.

Old Love, Hello for them. Old pain, goodbye for them. New beginning opens up for them. The day of their confession grows nearer each day.

A/N: THAT'S IT! It's really a short one to summarise everything! I didn't want to lengthen it anymore.


I really didn't see that coming!!

Stay tuned for the next chapter!


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