Chapter 17

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Jetta's POV

I was listening to the song 2 On by Tinashe on my soundcloud while putting on my swimsuit for surfing. I'm horrible at surfing I'm so terrified I'm going to embarrass myself in front of Wesley. It would so be like me to just wipe out right on front of him or something stupid.

I put on my spaghetti-strap bikini that is actually my favorite bikini at the moment. It has a teal background with kind of like a paisley pink color pattern with yellow dots, with the straps being yellow as well. I SWARE if this unties itself while with Wes I will be so mortified..

I really need to start thinking of positive things.

I let my long brunette hair hang loose, gosh it's gotten long. It's about to the bottom of my boobs now. Sheesh.

I put on a quick little pullover over my swimsuit and grab my car keys and head out to the beach.


As I walk along the beach I spot Wesley putting on his surf suit. DANGET I should've brought mine.

"Hey Wes!!" I shout loud enough for him to hear me over the crashing waves. The waves are looking good today. Perfect surfing weather.

"Heyyyyy Jetta!" He says equally as loud, even though I was now standing next to him.

"I'm right here ya know? I can hear you!" I say while chucking a little bit.

"I know. Hey you ready to go?" He asks.

"Well.. not really but I'm going anyway." I respond kind of self consciously.

"Why do ya sound nervous?"

"Eh.. surfing isn't really my thing. I mean like, I know how to, I'm just not that good at it.. you know?" I say rather uncomfortably.

"Ya I gotcha. But don't worry, I'll help ya out if ya need it." He says while adding a wink mid sentence.

"Haha ok whatever you saaaay." I say dragging on the say.


"I actually did good today!!!! I'm really proud of myself."

"I'm proud too Jet! Wanna get some celebratory smoothies?" He asks, obviously hoping I'll say yes.

"Why not?" I ask.

We head down to get the smoothies down at the shack, when I heard a loud scream coming from a little farther away from us on the beach.

"What the-" I start to say before I see the shark clearly.

Everyone else starts screaming as a somewhat small looking shark approaches the coastline.

"SHARK! EVERYBODY EVACUATE THE WATER!" I hear the lifeguards yell while blowing their whistles.

I walk a little bit closer to get a better look. The shark was frickin tiny. It's a baby.

"Guys.. It's a baby shark.. it probably doesn't even have any teeth yet." I say, but still stay away in case it's bigger than it looks underwater.

"Let's just go.. I'm feeling weird vibes right now." Wes adds.


I suddenly realize I don't have my phone.

"Fudge, I left my phone on a beach chair, will you help me find it?" I ask, fluttering my eyes and pouting my lip.

"Only because you have an adorable puppy face!" Wesley says while touching my nose with the tip of his index finger. I chuckle and we both go our separate ways to find my phone.

I don't hear any more screams after a while, so I'm guessing the shark is gone. I put my burning feet into the water because the sand is sofa king hot today. I bet it's around 95 degrees. Just then I feel something nudge at my shin.

It was the shark.

I look at it while it just kind of keeps nudging me with its nose on my shin. I chuckle to myself, realizing that this shark doesn't even have teeth yet.

"People can be so stupid.." I say quietly to myself.

I hear a ringtone and realize it's my ringtone. Oh thank god.

I run over to the beach chair that my phone is lying on and answer my phone. I wonder how the heck it didn't get stolen.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, forgetting to check the caller ID before answering.

"You need to get home right away. It's am emergency." Then they hang up.


AN: FILLER CHAPTER IM SORRY BUT JESUS CHRIST I ACTUALLY UPDATED. Thanks to everyone for 9K reads and 200 somethin votes lol. Love y'all!

And yes I am aware about Drew's withdrawal from the band, and yes I did cry for a very long time. But hey this is a new beginning for not only drew but Wes and Keats! Except Wes and Keats are coming to where I live for the tour.. which saddens me. Ok I need to stop babbling lol and I apologize for spelling errors I didn't proofread bc lazy.

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