Chapter 3

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Jetta's POV

"Umm is everything okay?" I ask Wesley.

Me and Wesley go to the same high school, but we never talk to each other. I've just seen him in the hallways, and damn he is hot.

"Oh no I'm fine.." Wesley mumbled.

I looked over at Jade, trying not to show how much pain I feel.

"Okay well, me and Jetta are going to go tan for a minute." Jade says.

"Okay," Keaton and Wesley both mumble.

Wesley and Keaton follow us down the beach while I whisper to Jade.

"What was that about, with Wesley?!" I bet he thinks I'm ugly.

"Dunno, that was really weird.. !!" Jade whisper-shouted.

"Yeah okay.." I whispered, hoping Jade didn't hear me.


We found the perfect place to tan, and Wesley and Keaton were in the water tackling each-other as far as I know.

I was reading a teen vogue magazine with my sunglasses on when I noticed a wet drop dropped onto my arm. I looked up to see where it came from and found a shadowing figure above me.. without a shirt on. I move my magazine before it gets wet.

"Sorry." The person says.

"It's okay." I got up to get my other towel to dry my wet body off when I notice the figure was following me. I turned around and noticed it was Wesley.

"Oh haha I didn't realize it was you that got me wet."

"Haha that's okay."

"Oh god.. that sounded wrong.." I said when I realize what I said before.

"Oh god, haha it's okay though." Wesley said. "Hey, do you maybe.. uhm.. want to go surf with me?" He stumbled.

I could tell he looked a little nervous, but just pushed it aside.

"Uhm I would.. But I don't know how to surf. It's pretty sad that I am a 17-year-old girl that doesn't know how to surf and lives in Huntington Beach."

"I can teach you, it's not as hard as it looks, I swear!"

"Oh okay, then yeah sure."


I strapped the surfboard onto my ankle when Wesley came back with some ice cream he said he would buy. Except he came back with two cones.

"Just a little snack before we surf." Wesley said.

"Okay thanks! I'll pay you back later!"

"Oh no its okay, no need to pay!"

"Nope I'm paying you back!"

"No seriously, don't"

"Nope, I'm paying you backkkkk"



He suddenly grabs my hands and holds both of them with his right hand, with a firm grip. I hitch my breathe at the about of strength being used to just hold my two little hands back.

"Do. Not. Pay. Me. Back." He says.

"Ugh fine, now let me go!" I try to pry his hands off mine while giggling. He finally lets go, and we both eat our ice cream while sitting down in the wet sand.


"Okay, ready for this?!" He asks from a distance. We're both paddling on our surfboards while on our stomachs.

"Yea, eek this is so exciting!" I squealed. Oh my god, I sounded so girly just then. Note to self: never squeal about something again.

"Here it comes!!" Wesley shouts, but now I cannot see him.

I whip my head around to look in front of me to find I'm right in front of a massive wave. I begin to paddle, then I hop up, and begin standing on my surfboard. I was wobbling around for a minute, but then I hear Wesley's voice;


He shouts from a distance. He's already riding the wave.

I stop myself from wobbling. The wave hits me, but I'm still standing on my board.

"Oh my god, I'm actually surfing!" I yell, even though I know nobody will hear me. "THIS IS SO DOPE!" I yell again.

Suddenly I fall off my board, and splash into the water. I try to swim back up, but the wave keeps pushing me down, deeper into the water.

I suddenly loose all strength to begin swimming back onto the surface, and I begin sinking down deeper into the water. It suddenly goes black.

That Guy Wesley Where stories live. Discover now