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4 years ago...

My ears ring as I stare at the mess I've caused. Blood, it's everywhere. My tears mix with the red splatter on my face before pooling at my feet. How did I get here?

I feel arms come around me pulling me off the ground and onto my feet. The phone I've been clutching in my blood soaked hand shatters into pieces as it hits the floor.

"Stella look at me please..." He grips my face between his hands turning my head to face him. I keep my eyes trained on my converse... I got them during back to school shopping now they're ruined. I ruin everything.

"Damnit, look at me!" His screaming breaks my trance and I finally meet his eyes. Unlike my empty ones his eyes are filled with so much pain and heartbreak. This isn't the first time he's looked at me like this but I hope it's the last.

"I know you're in shock but I need you to pull yourself together. Go to the bathroom and clean yourself up, put the clothes you're wearing in the trash. When you're done there will be a car waiting for you outside with your stuff. I'll take care of this but you can't stay here anymore Stella. Go!"

With one final push, I slowly make my way to the door before looking at the mess I'm leaving behind. Choking on a sob I take one last glance at the lifeless body on the floor. What the fuck have I done?

Author's Note

So my loves how did you like the new prologue? If you were here to read the old prologue and liked it don't worry those topics will resurface but I changed a little bit of the plot and felt this one fit better. Leave your thoughts and opinions or even what you would like to see in the future in the comments!

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