27; Bad Boy's Loss

Start from the beginning

"You're Hunter's father?"

"Bingo. How is he, by the way?"

"You disgusting fuck! Leave me out of this." I'm fully crying by now. My hands are shaking uncontrollably. I've never been so angry and scared of something in my life. The fact that this man got away with raping Isabella and is now getting away with blackmailing his own son and threatening people is beyond me.

"What a dirty mouth. I don't know what my son sees in you."

"Go to hell." I hiss.

He laughs at this, sitting down on the table beside me and pulling on a strand of my hair that has come loose. I try to pull my head away, but being tied to a chair doesn't exactly give you space to move very far. "I'm here to make a deal with you, little one."

I reply with silence, lips slightly trembling in fear. "I will let you free now but only if you play along with my game."

"What game?" I ask between sobs.

"I need you to make sure that Hunter doesn't know Eleanor works for me." He turns, pushing the tray off the table. The food splatters onto the floor. "I also need you to convince my son that you're not interested in him. Do everything you can to avoid him at all costs. Make him think that you hate him." He snickers. "I don't need another wretch like you to fuck up my plan."

"What plan? What do you want from Hunter?"

He slaps me. It's hard enough to hurt me, but not so hard that it will leave a mark. "Learn to keep your mouth shut. Now, if you play along with my game, I'll leave you and your family alone." My eyebrows raise in anticipation of getting out of this mess. "For now," he adds. 

"What if I don't do it?" I mumble. 

"Listen, I am going to be straightforward with you. I know people who can kill your family and make it look like a horrific accident. Don't test me."

I nod, feeling too weak to even protest. I am too afraid to say anything. This man is clearly capable of doing terrible things to people, and that is exactly the reason why I won't risk saying anything that might anger him. I can't possibly say no or he might just kill me on the spot. 

He grins with satisfaction at my reply and marches right out of the door. I slump. Every muscle in my body is tense from being tied to the hard chair so tight. 

How can I ever stay away from Hunter? I can't possibly try to convince him I hate him. No matter how much of a piece of shit he is for getting me into this situation, I can never hate him. That scares me. The fact that he has me wrapped around his finger scares me a lot. He has so much control over me that if he asked me to jump off a cliff for him, I would probably do it.

I feel lost. I don't know what to do anymore. What's right? What's wrong? What can I do to get out of this mess?

Just as I'm in the middle of my thoughts, the light above me turns off. I gasp, trying to see anything in the dark room. "Hey, let me out!" I shout into the void, eyes starting to brim with tears again. My voice echoes throughout the empty room. This is looking more like the ending of a horror movie.

I keep waiting until I hear movement to the back of me. The steps get closer and closer before a cloth is pressed to my mouth from behind. I try to wiggle free, but as soon as I do my head starts spinning. My eyes waters as they start to flutter close. My limbs that were once tense now fully relax as I fall into a deep sleep.


I dream of Hunter and his dreamy, green eyes staring at me, uncovering all my deepest secrets. They roam my body like there's nothing they desire more other than me. His smile is sweet when he grabs my hand, pressing a kiss to my open palm.

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