~Chapter Five~

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"Are you sure it's okay to do this, Miss Ruby?" Jerry asked worriedly as he sat on the horse behind Ruby as she rode towards the Baynard residence in a leisurely manner.

Ruby sighed, shrugging slightly as she held onto the horse's reins, listening to the clapping of the hooves against the dirt road. Her impulsive nature had worn down and now she was a bit worried about her mother's wrath, but she felt that she had still done the right thing, for once.

"Well I'm sure my mother won't be too pleased, but she will survive. And please, call me Ruby" the blonde girl said softly, turning to him for a moment, as the horse was going over a dip in the road, causing them to bump into each other stomach to stomach for a moment.

Jerry cleared his throat and Ruby turned back around, her cheeks flushing slightly as she continued on her way to the Baynard's.

Once they arrived, Jerry hopped off of the horse carefully, before tipping his hat to Ruby, giving her a small smile. "Thank you, Ruby. Would you like to come inside for a glass of water or lemonade?" he offered, taking a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his forehead.

Ruby smiled back, noticing the activity around the household. She could smell fresh bread being baked, the scent wafting through the open front door, and three small children, two girls, and a boy running around the front yard, giggling happily.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose" she replied back sheepishly with a small smile.

Jerry shook his head. "It's no trouble, really." He reassured her, then excused himself for a moment to run to the open doorway and call into the house.

"Ma, we have a guest!" he called before running back and extending his gloved hand out to Ruby.

She hesitated for a moment, only because she knew the sooner she was gone, the angrier her mother would be at her insolence and impertinence, but she knew it was time to accept other's hospitality, and smiled back, taking his gloved hand as she daintily as possible, got off the horse, securing it to the gate post, before walking inside with Jerry.

"Jerry, what did you say about a guest?" His mother was starting to say, as she came through the kitchen to the front hallway, and smiled at Ruby, somewhat surprised.

Ruby smiled, giving her a tiny curtsey. Mrs. Baynard had the same cherubic face and dark kind eyes as Jerry, and she was dressed in a simple blue dress, and a white apron over it, her dark hair pulled up in a loose chignon.

"Bonjour, and welcome" Mrs. Baynard said, leading Ruby into the kitchen.

"Bonjour. I'm Ruby, thank you for inviting me into your home" she replied meekly, unsure if that was awkwardly put, but Jerry just smiled, pouring a cup of lemonade for Ruby, and then for himself as they stood in the kitchen.

"Not a problem, cherie. Well I have some chores to do, so please make yourself at home" she said with a small smile, and pecked Jerry on the cheek before leaving the kitchen.

Ruby sipped at her lemonade quietly, enjoying the cooling beverage on such a warm day. Jerry knew he should say something just to break the silence, but wasn't sure where to start.

"Um, thank you again for the ride here, it really wasn't too far as I am used to it, but I appreciate it" he replied with a nod.

The girl glanced back at him, her light eyes meeting his darker ones and nodded with a small smile, finishing up her lemonade.

"You're welcome, Jerry. I know you work very hard." she murmured as an after thought, her cheeks pink again.

The boy glanced back at her, somewhat surprised at the comment, but smiled.

"Well, I should be heading back, thank you again" she replied after rinsing out her cup in the sink and leaving it to dry on the counter. She patted her hands on a dish towel before Jerry walked her back outside helping her back up onto the horse, as she looked back down at him, tilting her own hat.

"See you around" she replied, and Jerry nodded waving her off as she rode back towards her own home.

As she arrived at her home, one of the regular farmhands helped her off the horse, leading the horse back to the stables.

"Mrs. Gillis is waiting inside for you, miss" the man said, looking worried for the young girl's sake.

Ruby thanked him, and carefully walked into the home, smoothing out her dress skirts, as her mother sat in the parlor, doing some embroidery on a cushion, her face stern.

"I've returned, mother" Ruby said in a small airy voice before clearing her throat.

"Yes, I can see that, dear. Do you have any idea the kind of embarassment you have put me through, the embarassment you have put our family through? To think my own daughter of higher class, would outwardly ignore my instructions and assist a lower class, farmhand home? Why, I'll be the laughing stock of the town. But never mind that, as you can assure me such insolence won't happen again, do you hear me?" Mrs. Gillis said her voice low but shrill, as she stared back at Ruby, whose eyes were starting to mist over.

"Y-yes mother" she murmured quietly, clutching at her dress skirts and trying to steady herself.

"You are not to spend your time playing around with that farmhand, I've let you mingle with Anne Shirley, odd girl that one, but she did help save our house, so I'll let that by. If you decide to disobey me again, then I'm afraid we may just have to send you to Carmody" she replied, sighing, and rubbing her temples.

Ruby gasped at the mention of the boarding school that was very far away.

"Yes mother" she murmured again, holding back a sigh.

"That's all, you may go." her mother said dismissively, waving her hand.

Ruby hurriedly left the room and upstairs to her room, plopping herself down on her bed, a few stray tears streaming down her cheeks.

Just as she was starting to feel free, and actually feel comfortable befriending Jerry, her mother decides to crush the idea like an unwanted rodent.

She sighed, falling into a fitful sleep.

All You Never Say-a Ruby Gilis & Jerry Baynard AUWhere stories live. Discover now