Nick: yes 

Jake: Goodnight, thank you. 

Nick: goodnight. 

Nick walks away and I shut my door and lock it. I walk over to where my desk is and Grab a picture frame. I put the picture in it and set it next to my bed. I go to sleep that night with too many emotions. 

Erika's pov 

We just pulled up to Logan's. I open the car door and Logan walks around to me. He helps me out of the car and puts my arm around him helping me. He helps me up the stairs and into the room. 

Erika: thank you. 

Logan: no problem, do you want anything? 

Erika: no thank you. 

Logan walks out and closes the door behind him. I lock the door and walk into the bathroom I have a quick shower and get changed. I brush my hair and then go downstairs. I grab a drink of water and walk back into the room. I scroll through my phone for a bit. I put down my phone and drift off to sleep. 

Erika's pov 

Today's is the 25th of December 2017, Christmas Day. I walk downstairs, Alissa was laying on the couch watching Tv. I walk over. 

Erika: hey. 

I sit next to her. 

Alissa: Merry Christmas! 

Erika: Merry Christmas. 

Alissa: what's wrong? You love Christmas! 

Erika: Yeah. 

Someone knocks at the door. 

Alissa: I'll get it. 

Alissa stands up and I flip my back on to the couch. Alissa opens the door and a guy was standing there. 

Guy: hi, is there an Alissa Violet and an Erika Costell here? 

Alissa: Yes there is. 

Guy: Okay, just sign here. There ya go! 

Alissa: thanks

Guy: Merry Christmas 

Alissa: you too

The door shuts and Alissa walks around the corner with 2 vases of red roses. 

Alissa: this is yours

Erika: thanks? 

Alissa sits next to me and we open the card. Mine said: 

To Erika, 

Merry Christmas! Hope you have a wonderful day! 

From T10 xx 

P.s We know that you're pregnant and we wanted to say Congrats! Love you! 

Atleast I know Jake didn't right this himself! He wasn't even excited when I told him I was pregnant. Who knows how he reacted when Nick gave him the picture! Logan walks downstairs. 

Logan: Who got you guys those? 

Alissa: Team 10

Logan: oh cool. Umm well I actually have to go.. now. 

Erika: Logan you don't have to be awkward about it, i know you're going to Jakes for the day. 

Logan: I'll be back at 3. Merry Christmas. 

Erika: you too 

Alissa: Same. 

Logan: Bye 

Erika: Bye 

Alissa: Bye 

Logan leaves. 

Erika: where's Chloe? 

Alissa: she left last night, she was going to her parents house for Christmas. 

Erika: cool. 

Logan's pov 

I just oulled up to the Team 10 house. I park the yeti and walk inside. Jake greets me as I walk in. 

Jake: hey Logan! 

Logan: Jake! 

Then Nathan walks around the corner with a camera. 

Jake: This morning I was taking trash out and there was vomit all over the ground! So naturally I'm going to go throw the security cameras to find out who it is. 

Logan: oh are you sure man, I mean if it was important I'm sure they would of come told you. 

Jake: Here Let's sit down. 

Jake and I sit on the couch Nathan standing in front of us with the camera. 

Jake: I'll open the security cameras on my phone now. 

Jake puts his phone in front of our faces and I give a nervous/scared look at the camera.

Jake: Who is tha- .. Nathan turn off the camera. 

Nathan: ok? 

Nathan stops recording. 

Jake: Nathan you can go now. 

Nathan walks off confused. I stand up and go to walk off when..

Jake: Come back here. 

Logan: *mumbles* shit 

Jake: Why was Erika in your car? 

Logan: That's Erika? What? Uhh why was she in my car, you know what I'll call her and confront her about why she was in my car! 

Jake: drop the act Logan! 

Logan: Fine She's staying at my house. 

Jake: What?! Why wouldn't you tell me...? 

Logan: Well umm..

Jake: She told you not to..? 

Logan: yes.. Jake I'm sorry. She was gonna spend Christmas alone! Not to mention she had just found out she was pregnant! 

Jake: She told you?! 

Logan: Well I figured it out. I'm sorry. 

Jake: I'm not angry at you. Don't you think it's weird though? 

Logan: What Do you mean? 

Jake: Haveing her sleep there after me and her.. broke up..? 

Logan: Honestly Bro, She's like my sister. I don't know if she's my older sister or younger sister but that's how it feels. Sometimes I feel like her big bro, sometimes her little bro. 

Jake: Thank you. 

Logan: for what? 

Jake: letting her stay there. 

Logan: To be honest bro, I would of let her stay if you had of said no. 

Jake: Wow rude! I need to talk to her.. alone. 

Logan: Sorry bro, she won't let you. I mean you can talk to her at the gender reveal in 3 days. 

Jake: is she gonna be there? 

Logan: uhh she planning it! 

Jake: Why?? 

Logan: Alissa wanted her to, I don't really have problem with her planning it. 

Jake: uhh same. 

Logan: well it's not up to you anyway soo....

Jake: Wow ok rude! 

Jerika - All We Need Is Love 🖤 *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now