Chapter I

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I felt the calming sea breeze whipping across my face, the waves and surf below, crashing against the ever rocking ship in a rhythmic lullaby. My home was here, my true home. I had never felt the comforting tranquility of what some would say a normal home is. My home stretched far beyond what people would label normal. This was perfect in my honest opinion, though others might disagree. I stood here in wonderful pleasure, staring at the vast horizon over the helm, spotting the strip of upcoming land the crow's nest had called for. I looked over the deck at my crew, hardworking, scrubbing the decks, manning the rigging for the sails as we prepared to dock at the upcoming town. The weather was perfect for sailing, cloudless and seventy degrees, with cool breezes, promising rain later on. The air smelled of the ocean, salty, fresh, and clean. This was my tranquility, life on the endless blue, blanketing the earth.

My first mate barked orders at the crew, wanting the ship to be in tip top shape. She looked over the bow. I saw her breathing in the sea, giving her new life and composure. Her scarlet hair was pinned up in a loose bun, nothing but a headband protecting her face from the whisks of hair attacking her face, aided by the wind. She wore a black tank top, with a covering peasant's blouse, tucked into the brown belt circling her slim waist. From there down, was a long, fluttering, red skirt that reached just below her knees. Covering her feet were knee-high black, baby seal leather boots. Though a pretty sight she may be, she was a force to be reckoned with. You could see it in her dark eyes, she didn't mess around, and she would never accept defeat, unless it was the just, honorable, and selfless thing to do.

Spotting me at the helm, she strode over at a brisk pace. Her figure climbed to the poop deck, making her way to the helm, where I stood. Her figure loomed over me, and I struggled not to flinch, but to act in a calmly manner.

"Captain," she said.

"Yes, Erza?" I replied.

"We may have a problem."

"What is it?" seriousness was lining my tone.

"We may not have enough goods in the hold to trade and sell, so we may not have enough supplies when we set out again on our next voyage," she explained.

"What happened to it? Last time I checked, we had more than enough," I stated. Erza cocked an eyebrow, and shifted her weight to one foot, giving me the 'are-you-going-to-argue-with-me' face.

She let out a sigh, and stood erect once more. "Most of the supplies were washed out in our last fight. Gray was down there checking the stock moments ago, and he says that we just don't have the supplies this time around." She looked me over, her thoughts swirling in her head. She was contemplating something. "Captain, how long have you been working today? Have you had a break?" she looked at the sun overhead. The afternoon sun read about one o'clock.

I didn't want to admit how long I had been working for, because knowing my first mate, she most likely wouldn't let it slide so easily. She pressured on in anxiety. Worry for her captain, her friend, was evident in the dark brown, twinkling eyes. I finally let out a sigh in defeat to the red headed warrior. I tried to give myself a certain nonchalant tone to my physique, in the hopes it would calm my motherly first mate. "Since sunrise," I answered. "With no breaks," I added.

She let out a puff of air and concern was written in her expressions."Natsu! You know how you get when you work too much. Have you at least eaten?" I avoided her powerful gaze, she never really called me by my name when working. If she did, she usually added the title of 'Captain,' but when she was worried about me, it was a completely different story.

I let out a feeble reply. A sheepish, "No..."

"Natsu, how is it possible that it's one o'clock in the afternoon and you of all people haven't eaten?! And you've been working all day without rest! How have you not passed out? I can't take this, I'm sorry, captain, but if you won't take care of yourself, then I will!" she ranted in a mothering way, true apprehensiveness glinting from her very heart and soul. She took me by my arm in an unbreakable grip, then let out a high pitched whistle. "Gray Fullbuster!" A raven haired, shirtless young man, around the age of eighteen, wearing black trousers and a bandanna around his head, looked up from a swinging hammock. "You're at the wheel, so get up here before we are steered off course!" The man stumbled out of his hammock and bolted to the wheel. "Natsu, we are headed to the galley for your lunch, then I want you to go straight to the captains quarters and take a well-deserved nap. Understand?" I nodded feebly. I sometimes wonder who's really in charge 'round here. I thought to myself bitterly.

Bustling through the ship, we reached the galley where a girl with long, silver hair toiled with different foods. She let out a surprised and cheerful greeting.

"Hello, Captain, what brings you here?" she chirped.

"Captain hasn't had a single thing to eat today, not to mention no breaks," Erza scoffed.

"Well, in that case, I'll whip up something tasty for him. Any requests, Captain?"

Erza opened her mouth once again to answer for me, but I beat her to it. "Chicken!" I exclaimed. Mira giggled and got to work.

Erza scolded me for being so rude and told me that I should learn to have some manners. "Honestly! Who raised you?" she exclaimed. Realizing her choice of words, she lowered her head in apology.

"No, it's fine. Really," I say. I never like to see any of my crew mates with a hanging head. Not in sadness, not in apology, not in shame. There shouldn't be a reason to hang your head. Erza sat in a melancholy state until announced that the food was ready. She slid Erza a piece of strawberry cake, which lightened her dreary mood. I ate my fill. Though I was never truly full, we needed to ration the food, so I ate to where I was somewhat content. I trudged to the room in the stern below the helm where Gray was whistling an old sailors' tune. Most of the work had been done and the crew was gladly taking a break, lounging about the top deck.

I made my way inside my cabin. Inside was the usual sight. A desk with a thick layer of papers, maps, and knick-knacks of all sorts. There were maps wallpapering the room, along with notes and pictures. A dresser with a few sets of clothes occupied one side of the room. Secretly, half of the drawers were filled with various jewels. On the other side, many hammocks were hanging, because one just wasn't enough in my opinion.

I stumbled over to the hanging beds and gratefully collapsed on one of them. As I fell asleep to the rocking rhythm of the waves' lullaby, I felt the warming comfort of my cat, Happy, and the familiar sound of shouts about the ship. I finally fell into a deep slumber.

After what seemed like a second of darkness, but was in reality, hours, I heard the sound I had been waiting for all day.

"Prepare for docking! We've reached land!"

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