1. Enigmas

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Hey this will clear up any questions you have about the prologue. Please comment! This should be a rather long chapter. Enjoy


There was a car rolling into the drive way. Matt had been expecting this but he never realised how nervous he was. Out of the car stepped a girl, she had stunning brunet hair, and green eyes. After her a Labrador dog climbed out of the passenger seat.

They came in and were greeted by Matt's mum. She walked in closely followed by that strange looking dog.

“Hello Matt, I’m Jenny we are here to talk to you about coming to our school" the girl said.

“I’m sorry But you said we?"

"Yes this dog is Sophie, she's like us and can do special things, and before we go any further she can talk"

The dog looked up at Matt and opened its mouth and to Matts surprise started to talk “Hello Matt. Please don't be scared, I can turn into any animal you can think off, lion, dog, horse, you name it!"

Matt just stood there with a puzzles look on his face “cat" he finally said. Sophie followed suit and turned in to a stunning ginger cat

“Thank you Sophie" Jenny stated " but more to the point Matt what can you do?"

Matt stood up and crossed over to the opposite side of the room to a small fish tank. He closed his eyes and raised his hand. The water in front of him started to levitated. He grabbed hold of a small bubble then turned it to Ice. He then relaxed because unconsciously his body had tensed up.

“see I can control water, I thing I wanted to ask to you was why can no one else do this, why can no other kid my age do this !?"

Sophie and Jenny exchanged a nervous glance. Then Sophie said

"It's because we are special we, call ourselves, Enigmas"

Jenny paused then took a deep breath and began “judging by the confused look on your face I need to explain."

“Enigmas are human that can do special things. We are currently unsure why, but we believe it's to do with DNA. Their ability is unique to that Enigma. So you can control water, Sophie can turn into animal and I am a telepath."

Matt just stated at the two of them with a confused look on his face “Ok I get that we are all special but why? Why are you here? How did you know I was her? What I could do? How?"

“Matt we are enigmas, we want to take you to a school of enigmas" Sophie said “it’s called The Academy. We would train you to use your ability’s. All the students at the academy are Enigmas. Like you. You probably are thinking you are alone, that no one is like you." Matt gave Sophie a nod and she continued “well there are more Enigmas than you really want to think. And no two are the same. That’s why you are special"

Sophie stared at Jenny and the continued " we know you are here as our headmaster, professor Sigma. He can locate Enigmas. He was the one who founded The Academy to train us."

"Matt random question, how old are you?" Sophie asked

"Um... I'm 16"

"Sophie!" Jenny snapped whilst glaring at her ''Sorry about that. Do you have any questions Matt?"

"Yeah, is there any school rules I need to know about?"

"This envelope contains all the detail you need to know" Jenny replied. Handing him a large brown package.

“Also how many students or enigmas are there at this school?"

" There are currently 167 Enigmas, in your year there are 37"

"You very curious aren’t you Matt" Sophie joked. Jenny went to swipe Sophie on the head. But she simply jumped on to the floor, making Jenny fall face first on to the sofa. This resulted in Matt going into hysterics.

"Is she, always, like, that." Matt eventually managed to say. Meanwhile Sophie had sneaked out of the room.

"Always, she’s young and still a kid but she knows what she's doing. That reminds me. The only thing we don’t do at The Academy is ask about peoples past. Sophie is a prime example, don’t ask her about the past, she won’t talk about it, trust me.

“Well Thanks for coming to see me about all this. You may want to go as I think Sophie is trying to drive away in the car." jenny got up went through the front door

“See you in a few days" she shouted back

“Wait! How did you know I was going to come the school?!"

“Telepath" she shouted back. She then waved and decided to try and get Sophie to settle down.

Matt watched the black care roll of the drive and down the road. He was going to The Academy, for people just like him.


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