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Cassandra's POV

The moment  of shockers in my eyes when Grayson said I'm in love with you those with words I've been waiting for I looked at him and said Grayson is this how you been feeling for the time we've been talking I've been feeling the exact same way I have to tell you I would rather be with you than any other guy I wanna know where to go and Huggies and obviously exactly brother then I went back to Grayson and I said I will be your girlfriend because I know that's what you want ask me ??

Grayson's POV

After kissing you soon telling her how much in love with her  she looked at me and said Grayson I know you've had a crush on me since we started talking I could feel it in my bones you know what I feel the exact same way she said she went over to help my brother and she came right back to me and said Grayson I could never say no to you I love you
Those were the words I've been waiting for for the past 6 months

Ethan's POV

Finally these two were dating I jumped up and down I was honestly so happy Cassandra👑💋 came over to hug me honestly she's so goddamn cute for Grayson though she's so little I just love her to death that she went back to Grayson to tell him how I felt and honestly I just want to sit there and cry

Cassandra's POV

The next thing I know Grayson got down on one knee and he looked at me and said will you be my girlfriend don't worry I won't ask you to marry you yet but I just want to know will you be my girl ♥️ it was honestly the most sweetest thing Grayson has ever done for me I was in total shock mess of course I said yes people with there was a proposal nope he was just asking me to be his girlfriend and what did I say yes absolutely then he asked for my consent if he can tell his fans about me and I said of course

Grayson's POV

I grab Cassandra👑💋's hand and I said something I want to say the next thing she knows I got down on one me and I Ask her to be my girlfriend obviously she was sitting there thinking is this guy going to try propose to me but obviously it was just me asking her to be my GF  obviously she said yes with tears in her eyes I put the promise ring on her and I said I promise to love you and support you whatever you do and I will always have your back she collapsed into my arms and I picked her up and I kiss her it was such an amazing moment
♥️ I want never forget the day 12/3:/17 was the day I met/asked her to be my girlfriend

Cassandra's POV

Grayson poured his heart out to me it was just something I was waiting for I collapse into his arms he put the promise ring and he said I promise that I'll support you in anything you do I promise not to anything stupid behind your back just pouring his heart out to me and I just collapse into his arms he obviously asked me if it was OK to tell everybody about the good news I said that is okey with me honestly in my heart I was kind of scared to get heated but you know what they'll get used to it I guess after collapsing guys and picked me up and kissed me multiple times and then we tell you he's got some good ass lips

Grayson's POV

After all of that I decided to post something on Snapchat and Instagram and Twitter here's the pictures

After all of that I decided to post something on Snapchat and Instagram and Twitter here's the pictures

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Let me tell you out fans were freaking out but I'm really glad you are guys are happy it's gonna take some getting used to I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful girl right here ♥️ I LOVE YOU CASSANDRA VANESSA MILITELLO ✨💕

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Let me tell you out fans were freaking out but I'm really glad you are guys are happy it's gonna take some getting used to I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful girl right here ♥️

Cassandra's POV

After everything that just happened & gray ask if he can post a pic on his socialmedia I was okey with it then after that I posted picture with the caption 👇🏼✨😉

After everything that just  happened & gray ask if he can post a pic on his socialmedia I was okey with it then after that I posted picture with the caption 👇🏼✨😉

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

So where obviously very excited to start this amazing journey I LOVE GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN ♥️ cannot wait for our future together 👫

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

So where obviously very excited to start this amazing journey I LOVE GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN ♥️ cannot wait for our future together 👫

Ethan's POV

Now that Cassandra and Grayson are officially boyfriend and girlfriend I decided to post really cute picture just to show how much love for my Brother and my brand new sister-in-law consent is the only girl that'll make my brother happy and just feel it they look so happy together and makes me want to cry but I'm not going to I gave Grayson and Sandra and bacon graduations in a major hug I think is in his right to have a brother not just like me don't worry I'll make sure Grayson takes good care of her wink wink 😉
Here's the picture I posted with the caption👇🏼😏

Now that Cassandra and Grayson are officially boyfriend and girlfriend I decided to post really cute picture just to show how much love for my Brother and my brand new sister-in-law consent is the only girl that'll make my brother happy and just f...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I'm praying that Cassandra and Grayson will not kill me for this but I mean what I'm excited for my brother and I'm excited for his new girlfriend to be in his life because honestly Grayson has been through hell and back with girls but I think this one is the word for gray he's honestly have just talked about her and I wanted to kiss her and asking her out and asking her to be his girlfriend finally she said yes and I cannot wait until little juniors are running around if you know what I mean. 😉😏

Best friends✈️💕(G.D E.D)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang