Chapter 8

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The school year had ended nearly two weeks ago. My senior year had ended with a very anticlimactic bang. I still saw Trey frequently and Dylan and Paisley were still the closest friends.

Today I step out of the hallway and into the building that Cameron now owned in New York. It was set up like a hotel but the rooms seemed more homely. I pull my suitcase over the divider on the door and explore the room.

"It's nice, Cameron." The room was already furnished with his furniture.

"Go check out your room to the left in that hallway." He points across the room. There was a small hallway leading to a bathroom and single room. I push open the door and turn on the lights. There were four recess lights near the corners and a platform bed with three steps up to it. Behind it was three paintings of simple quotes. On the other side of the room there was a huge tapestry with the continents of the world drawn out with flowers. It was beautiful.

"Did you design this?" I ask and roll the suitcase out of the way. There was a big window on the wall that I immediately made me attracted to it. The room was lit in natural lights. The city was stretched out in front of it. 

"I tried." Cameron answers. No, this was a beautiful room.

"Thank you Cameron." I say with a smile. He's decorated the guest bedroom into my own so sure, people may stay in it when I'm not here but I didn't care.

"Do you want to go by the college? I hear the library is beautiful." Cameron says as he joins me by the window.


The city was wonderful. I'd only been here with my mother once when we were swarmed by cameras and reporters.

Today I finally got to enjoy it inside a small corner cafe by a window and watched the city, alive with people.

"Do you still see Trey a lot?" He asks me. Trey seemed like old news since we'd been friends for a while. I'd always called him if anything were to go wrong.

"I guess. Dylan and Paisley determine that most of the time. He's a good friend though." I shrug.

"Just friends?" Cameron asks. I wasn't taken by surprise. There have been a lot of articles recently just questioning our relationship. 

"Yeah." I nod surely and take a sip of the hot mug I held. Sometimes I wondered what we were too, because I didn't think of him as just a friend, but he had different opinions I think.

"Haven't you been on dates?" Cameron asks again.

"No, just dinners." I shake my head. I'd been to dinners to his mother's house a few times and to other places but never to his house.

"Okay." He nods. "Are you considering going to college after your gap year?"

"I don't know. Maybe this is it for me. I don't know what I want to do with my life yet." I shrug.

"What Have you thought about?"Cameron asks. Cameron always new he wanted to save peoples lives. He's always wanted to travel but nothing ever seemed appealing enough.

"I don't know. I like to write stories in my literature class but I'm no good." I shake my head. "I don't have anything special about me."

"Not true." Cameron says seriously and points to me. "You just haven't discovered that thing yet."

"Maybe I'll talk to Mother about going one day. I wonder what she would say." I ponder.

"I'd hope she'd be supportive. She wasn't happy with me when I went but I haven't asked her for a nickel." Cameron shrugs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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