Chapter 6

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I walk around the front yard of the elementary school I waited for Paisley at. I knew I was supposed to take her to the park after this to meet with Dylan. Mother was on a talk show.

I thought about Cameron, who I'd woken up and went to the bus stop twenty minutes early so I didn't have to see. I was taking out all of my anger and emotions and strength into hating him, but I was in all honesty just sad. I didn't want him to leave me. I thought he was selfish for leaving me, but in fact I was the selfish one.

I realized I was crying before I could stop. I hold my breath and blink away the tears and wipe my cheeks. There weren't a lot of people nearby.

"Hey." I hear a familiar voice behind me and look back to see Trey walking toward me. I wipe under my eyes to collect the tears.

"Hi." I answer plainly. I sit on a wooden bench and he sits beside of me.

"Have you been crying?" He asks with a concerned expression.

"It's just been a long weekend. Don't worry about it." I lie. Trey gives me an odd look and then ignores it. "Do you come here every day to pick up Dylan?"

"Yeah. Most at least. I usually don't come outside and just wait in the car, but I saw you out here and figured the both of us could use some company." Trey smiles. I laugh a bit and put my elbows on my knees in an attempt to hide my face from his.

"I usually walk home alone and Paisley usually catches a ride with my mother or rides the bus with some of her friends." I shrug. As I speak, I see Paisley turn the corner with one of her friends. She was dressed in a cute shirt and her hair was curly as usual. It was thin, so it wasn't hard to curl quickly and my mother loved that. I didn't like to do my hair or makeup, but my mother pushed me. She wouldn't buy me my own clothes which forced me into her choices.

Today I wore jeans with holes cascading through them and nice heels. I hated wearing heels. My shirt was neat and black and I had a rather oversized diamond necklace on. My other insisted on me wearing it.

"Hey Paisley." I say and stand up with Trey. "Do you know where Dylan is?"

"We don't have the same teacher." Paisley shakes her head as her friend walks away from her. About that time Dylan turns the corner. "Oh. There he is!"

Paisley seemed oddly happy every time she saw Dylan. It was odd for her but not completely unexpected.

"Let's go." I say to her and wave her forward. On the way to the park I end up riding myself of the necklace and pulling my hunter green jacket over my shoulders. The park wasn't far and by the time we got there I was more comfortable.

I sit on one side of a bench and Trey sits against the other while Paisley and Dylan entertain themselves. We were both quiet for a while before I spoke up trying to remember that we were friends. I'd hoped he'd be able to keep things to himself.

"Cameron is leaving for NYU this summer. He's going to be living there." I mutter. Trey was quiet for a minute.

"That's why you were crying earlier." Trey notes. I nod slowly and he moves down closer to me on the bench. "Don't worry about it. You can't blame him for wanting to move on in his life."

"I guess so, but I don't want it to be just me and my mother with Paisley. I don't even like when he's away for a few months and this is going to be years." I frown and stare at my hands.

"What about whenever your mom and Paisley are being extra hard to handle, you can just come to my place for a few hours. I don't mind and maybe company isn't the worst thing I could possibly have." Trey shrugs.

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