the big news

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Alainas POV  

I had woken up to Brads hand on my waist and  his face a little far away from mine,feeling his breath on my neck. I didn't know  what to make of it.I  tried to remove his hands without waking him cause it would be embarrassing to face him after that. As I removed his hand ,his hold became more strong and finally it led to me pushing his hand a little stronger and him waking up. He looked surprised to see me removing his hand and then when he looked down he removed his hand swiftly remembering where he kept it as if it stung him.

"uh.. I should go start the car.",he said looking the other side and immediately got up as if i was the one who initiated hand contact.God what was his problem.Guess the old mean Brad was back.I liked the old one better but it was my fault getting used to his "good" side of his personality.

The whole way we didn't talk,less look at each other as if we actually slept with each other.when we reached home.He immediately went to his office without even glancing back at me.I met Katherine at the stairs.She probably might have come back.

"Hello darling,it feels so long after i have seen you.",she said and hugged me.  I always felt positive around her.Sometimes its hard to believe brad is her son.

"yeah, it feels long.",i said hugging her back.

"hey are you ready?",she asked.

"ready for what?"

"for the dress.."

"but  there's a lot of time left right?"

"Sweetie,the weddings tomorrow at 9.You dont have any time left.In fact we are going now to buy your wedding dress and then we will take you to a beauty spa and then when you come you will have a bridal shower here.Ade right now is arranging that and tomorrow we will go to the St.Peters Church for the wedding.The invitations are all sent.",she said excitedly in one breath.I had to actually pinch myself to make sure my ears are not ringing.

"WHAT?",i said shocked.Clearly no one told me that my life's going to change tomorrow.

"yeah,Brad told us yesterday that he wanted to push the wedding earlier.I though he might have discussed it with you but maybe he wanted to give you a surprise and didn't get time to actually talk to you  yesterday.",she winked.

I just nodded  my head blindly cussing Brad in every language.

"he thought that it would be a good thing to concentrate on the wedding since so much you have gone through.",she said sadly.That means he wanted to shut the mouth of people who were saying he's roaming with a skank and endangering the future of his company  not change my mood. I mean who says "hey your moods bad lets marry to change your mood to me even though we both can barely have a civil conversation for more than 5 minutes without one of us getting mad at another and did i mention the fake contract.",yeah i don't think so.But i had no choice as i had signed a contract.The sooner it starts ,the sooner it will get over.

Katherine and ade dragged me to Chanel again to get a dress and they got dresses for themselves too and then they took me to a spa forcibly where the whole time i was brooding and just nodding my head blindly to ade and her guesses on where Brad would take me on a honeymoon.guess she didn't know that brad wouldn't even want me to stay with him alone for more than a day .

After the spa,we went home. The home looked empty. I asked where Brad was .

"they have all gone to there hotel in Manhattan to celebrate the bachelor party,Dad,brad ,his cop friend and dads friends sons of his age as brad doesn't have much friends.They will be meeting you at the church directly.You see,mom though he might sneak up to your room today so she didn't want to take any chances.If you know what I mean."ade said winking at me.Seriously I had no idea i was such a good actress or whether they were living in a delusional world to buy the crap story that we really loved each other romeo Juliet way  or even how a man loves his dog. I think i needed a lot of sleep to prepare  for this level of drama for 1 year. Obviously ade wouldn't let me go saying it was my own party and I couldn't leave. she made me wear a  powder blue Allegra dress from Gucci saying that  i had to look every bit like Mrs to be Brad Carter as there would be various girls trying to bring me down today when i told her my choice of a hoodie and sweat pants.Apparently she had invited a lot of girls as i had called no one i knew since of the whole contract thing.I literally knew no one. 

I fake smiled through all the conversation knowing literally that every girl over here actually was judging me thinking how the hell did this slum girl get to marry Brad Carter tomorrow. I was too deep in my thoughts to even listen to there conversation. There was a cake in shape of sleazy lingerie which i had to cut and bear teasings of  ade who was giving me advice for what to wear in the lingerie selection which she has  filled with in my luggage and how  not to make her an aunt at least for an year. I almost choked.

I finally faked an headache and went to sleep in my room .I cried a lot while going to sleep as I felt completely alone.I always imagined this day with my family whom i couldn't see now as i didn't know how to face them and if they even thought of me.They would think of me as a whore.I was better of knowing what they are not thinking than them hating me.Tomorrow my life will change but i guess every night it will be me alone in the bed crying in an alone house and Brad screwing girls like he would be probably doing today in his bachelor party   because nothings going to change for him.

God help me!!!!!

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