Waking Up

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Alaina's POV

I opened my eyes and saw Brads face. My eyes first saw his face. I know i am describing him like i , we are some soul mates and I saw him for the first time after i woke from my long coma sleep but I couldn't help noticing how perfect he looked . When my weak eyes focused clearly then I saw the dark circles under his eye . The constant frown fixed on his face and he looked tired too. He was still in the same clothes as the party. How long had it been?

He looked happy to see me awake at least for a split second and then masked his emotions properly that i felt i was having concussions again.Whats his problem?

I tried getting up. I was done up with being cuddled . I hate being weak and forced on someone.I frowned as it was taking a lot of effort getting up. "DON'T",Brad said firmly and  a little loudly. The first thing after i wake up he says "DON'T,even my rag picker would show more manners and at least fake concern but I forgot he's Brad. He doesn't apologize for who he is . Its mostly people who know him apologize for knowing him.

I stopped getting up and turned my face away from him. He just left the room after that. Seriously what the hell?What was he expecting me to do when i wake up.He' s seriously getting on my nerves. I cant wait to get away from him forever .Perhaps I will move to Nebraska or Alaska.

He comes in the room with the police officer and his family. I am shocked .What does he want me to do."Tell them what happened Alaina?What did Justin do to you?TELL THEM",shouted Brad,barely looking at me .The whole room became quiet.

"Brad Calm down",said his dad. He just dismissed it."Yes,honey let her  wake up properly.",said Katherine,his mom.He again dismissed it.

"Miss Fletcher ,can you tell us what happened that day with Justin. We are sorry to inconvenience you like this but Brad has left me with no options.We need your statement urgently.",he said looking at brad and William and sharing a look with them.Everyone looked like they were sharing a secret . Seriously what was happening?I felt like i slept for a decade and missed out on this generation feeling like an grumpy old woman.

"Yeah,no problem.",i said politely.

"OK,can you all  please go out .I need to do this interrogation with Miss Fletcher privately ",said the police officer.:

"NO I WONT",Brad said  angrily glaring at the police officer.

"Brad ,honey let him do his job",said Katherine trying to console him.

"Yes Brad ,the sooner this gets over the better it is for everyone and you need to check with the doctor also.",said William finding a way to convince him.

"Yes,don't you trust me Brad. You know me. I will do my job well bro.",said the police officer.well it looks like they were friends .Brad looked at him for a minute .

"I am fine.",i said to Brad needing him to go so that i could be alone and give my statement without worrying about embarrassment and Brads vibes were honestly scaring me.If this was so much a problem to him ,why cant he just brush his hands off this case and even i will agree that he wasn't there. Yeah probably i will do that . The far the Brad stays far  from this case ,the better.

He looked at me for a minute .I couldn't understand his expression."FINE,but don't cross the line.",he said strictly to the police officer.The police officer laughed ,"No ,i wont. You have my word.",he punched brad on his shoulder. They all left with Brad giving me the same expression again. For a minute I wanted to imagine it was longing but who am i fooling. We can barely be civil to each other.

"Hello Miss Fletcher ,I am sheriff  Matthew Jones .",he said politely.

"You and Brad seem close.",i said trying not to be prying.

"Yeah we are good friends. We went to college together. I would have actually met you at the party but I was on call that night and my wife was out of the town. I am sorry for missing it but here we meet, Though i wished it wasn't like this. I have to say Brad has a classy choice and pretty one for a change.",he said smiling.

I smiled back . He definitely wasn't like Brad.

"So lets get back to business or Brad will come barging in and drag me even though i am with the gun.",he said laughing. I too laughed at the typical Brad behavior.

"Miss Fletcher..",he said formally.

"Please call me Alaina.",i said smiling.

"OK, Alaina ,look i know  what happened with you and I do believe you but as a job formality I need you to repeat what happened that night in detail so that we can take strict action against Justin Richards.Don't worry take your time.",he said strictly yet politely.

"I was nearly raped and attacked by Justin.He cornered me in the washroom......",i told him the whole story without trying to show some emotion. I didn't tell him about Brads involvement. I didn't want him to be any more involved in my situation then he already was.He was the first person I was telling to and it was like by telling i was making it more real. I didn't want anyone else to see my self humiliation. 

"Alaina,do you know you are actually the 10th person i am hearing the story from and normally the hero comes and saves the girl. Where's the Brad part ?",he asked seriously.

Oh shit he knew. Crap.I hid my face.He patted me on the shoulders."Don't worry he's fine. I know you are doing it to save him but he can take care of himself and wants to take care of you now. Let him do that.",he said .

I nodded.

"Thank you Alaina.I will personally see to it that Justin gets punishment.",he said giving me a smile and leaving.

"um mm...sheriff Jones,can i ask you something?",i said hoping that i was not getting personal with him too soon.

"Call me Matthew,you are too like my friend now.",he said smilingly.

"OK, Matthew what all has happened like when I was out zoned.Please tell me.",i said hoping to convince him by my sad face.

"I am sorry Alaina I cant tell you as apart from Brad beating my ass and my lack of time. Its not my place to tell.I am sorry. You should ask Brad yourself. I am sure you guys share everything. He 's got a keeper.Take Care.",he said giving me a last smile.

I heard him exit and him replying something to Brads inaudible question,"Yeah buddy,shes fine. Go see her.",he said laughing.

I immediately pretended to be asleep as Brad was the last person I wanted to talk to.He definitely wouldn't tell me anything as he never considered me even part of his life which actually is right on his part considering I am nothing but a fake fiancee.

 "Alaina...",his soft voice trailed.

OH God ,please let this be over fast.

I now pronounce you husband and wifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora