Chapter 9 {rewrite}

Beginne am Anfang

"I honestly don't know, I swear." Edo-Natsu says shaking, his hands covering his head. "I only came here because Lucy told me to. Oh I forgot to mention she left. Thank the gods, no offence to her but she's annoying. Anyways, Edo-Natsu stays sitting on the ground, shaking. 

"Are you really the me from before?" he asks, looking at his cowardly counterpart. 

"Y-yes. I'm always told my personality changes when I'm behind the wheel." The edo-Natsu says still scared. 

"This is the real Edo-Natsu!" Happy yells out in shock. This only upsets Edo-Natsu more. He hugs himself tighter and flinches. 

"Please don't yell, it's scary." He says whimpering. Natsu is shocked and sweat drops at his other form. 

"Wanna try doing a mirror act together?" Lucy says sarcastically, glancing at our pyromaniac. 

"Lucy, be nice." I tell her. I walk towards the shivering Natsu and put a hand on his shoulders. He flinches slightly and looks up. I smile gently at him. "I'm sorry for this Natsu. I understand you cant go any further then this, so thank you." I tell him softly. He looks at me in amazement and smiles slightly. 

"Wow, so Lucy was right. You really are like her?" He tells me and I immediately understand he's referring to the Edolas me. 

"I have been told." I say standing up. "Anyways guys, we should take our leave." I tell them. We watch Edo-Natsu drive away and we walk to the city. As we make it there, we see a place where a lot of people were gathering around a lacrima. We walk to the crowd and look up in surprise. The lacrima was giant and it had guards surrounding every inch of it. 

"Could that be?" Lucy asks us the same question I was thinking. 

"Everyone from Magnolia." Happy says in shock. 

"Plus if you look closely, you can see a chunk of it had been removed." Carla told us. Now we were definitely motivated to find a way to reverse this and save our friends.

Another Timeskip

Running towards the outskirts of the city, we put our plan in motion. Sneak into the castle and find the king. 

"The entrance of the tunnel should be almost in front of us." Carla says holding the map. 

"This is it." Cynthia says, looking at the cavern we just stopped in front of. 

"Alright, lets go." Natsu says starting to walk forward. 

"Natsu, wait." I tell him "Again." Natsu says. 

"We cant go anywhere without light." Carla tells him. 

"Alright, I got this." Natsu says trying to light his hand on fire. He must of remembered that he cant use magic and he begins to sulk. 

"Don't worry, I got just the thing." Lucy says pulling out torches. We light them and begin walking. 

"This way." Carla says, leading the way. After a while of walking, we come across a wall. 

"This is it." Carla says, looking at the wall. I walk up to it and tap it while sensing it's components. 

"It is an iron and stone mixture. Plus its completely coated with magic." I tell them stepping back from it. Lucy summons Taurus to break the wall. 

"That wasn't that hard Miss Lucy." Taurus tells Lucy. "It would be nice if you would reward me with a smoo--" He was cut off by Lucy forcing him back into his realm. 

"Yeah, no" She says. After a little more walking, we would of been closer to our destination if Natsu didn't have his 'Bright idea' of making shadow puppets.

"Alright, left up here." Carla says, guiding us. "Just up here." Carla says. She then stops and hold her head. I look around at the cave. It is actually really pretty. We look around in amazement. "Alright, this should connect to the bottom of the kings castle." Carla tells us finally. 

"I don't know how you did it Carla, but you really saved the day." Lucy tells Carla smiling. 

"Don't thank me yet, we still have to save everyone and escape. If the royal guard catches us, were done for." Carla tells us with a warning tone. 

"If it comes down to it, at least we have magic." Lucy says. 

"You mean you have magic." Natsu corrects. 'why do I have this bad feeling.' I say thinking to myself. Suddenly, this white thing shoots out of the dark and wraps around Lucy. 

"Lucy!" We shout. An other one shoots out and grabs Wendy. 

"Wendy!" I say in surprise as one wraps around me, causing me to yelp. 

"(Y/n)!" Natsu says alarmed. One then wraps around him too. Suddenly, a girl who looks like Erza walks up to us. 

"Are you really different from Natsu Dragyon, Lucy Ashlee and (Y/n) Duskdion? It's incredible how similar you guys look. Take them." She commands her guards, then turns and bows to the exceeds. 

"Thank you for leading them here and helping us catch them Exceeds. Welcome home." She says to the exceeds. No way. They betrayed us. 

"Cynthia." I say, too shocked to comprehend the situation.

"Happy?" Natsu asks his partner. 

"Carla?" Wendy says, at the brink of tears. The last few moments were a blurred as we were knocked out shortly after.

'The final Timeskip of today' Said no author ever

"Ahahahhh!" I cry out in pain as magic is drained from me. The two dragon slayers beside me, in the same situation. Our screams fill the room as magic is forcefully taken from us. 

"Damn it!" Natsu says while screaming. 

"Dragon slayers are quite impressive, they have a lot of magic power in their bodies alone." A man says while draining Natsu's magic. When he stops we hang there panting. 

"Natsu, (Y/n), are you two okay?" Wendy asks us. 

"Yeah, Don't you two dare give up on me." Natsu says, still panting. 

"I'm alright Wendy, it takes a lot more then that to break me." I struggle to say in between pants. Wendy just smiles tiredly at the two of us. 

"We'll get out of this, for sure. Don't lose hope." Natsu says trying to motivate us.

"Y-yeah" I tell him, completely exhausted from feeling my life line forced out of me. 

"Alright. I'm sure our friends will come for us, right?" Wendy says after me as if trying to confirm something. 

"Yes Wendy, they'll come and then everything will be fine." I tell her smiling. The man turns on the machine while trying to convince us that no one is coming. They will come. I know they will. I look up as I feel the magic drain from me. 

"This is fine, drain every ounce from me, just don't hurt my friends." I cry out, pain consuming my body. The pain grows as I start to scream again. 

"(y/n)! Don't give up! Don't lose hope!" Natsu yells, trying to get me to hear him. I just nod weakly and look up. 'I should be used to this by now. It's not the first time. I hope it will be my last. I'll never be used to this.' I think to myself, giving into my screams as darkness clouds my eyes.

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