Part II.4

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> continue: iteration 26, day 4, afternoon

The massive front door swings open. "Sup." I wave the little white flag in my hand, even if it's just a handkerchief scotch-taped to a pencil. "Neutral envoy from two other Masters here. Can Illyasviel come out to play?"

So Rin cast this spell that helped me get some sleep last night. As a result, I managed to come here sans blanket. Getting out to the von Einzbern estate is a gigantic pain in the ass, by the way. Then again, I'd sorta guessed things were heading that way when Rin's directions came along with a compass and a terrain map. Kinda amazing that I've never heard of this place before. You'd think people would be more interested in a massive fucking castle in the middle of the woods right outside of town. Wonder if it even shows up on Google Maps?

> okay hold up
> you lost me

What do you mean?

> not saying this is a bad move
> but how do you know this isn't suicide

Well, I don't, really. This is still crazy risky. But after that stuff two loops ago, I'm fairly certain she'll at least hear me out. Remember?

> no

Really? Huh. Could've sworn you were around for all that. But okay. Let's rewind, then --


> skip back to: iteration 24, day 1, late night

"Master, stay back!" Saber draws her sword as the fog swirls around us. "Let me --"

"Nah, I got it." Hands jammed in my jacket pockets, I walk at a casual pace up the street towards Illyasviel von Einzbern and Berserker.

> huh
> bold move
> weren't you pissing yourself at the sight of them a few loops back

Eh, probably still will if they sneak up on me or something. That said, you'd be amazed how few fucks you have left to give after seeing the apocalypse a couple of times over.

> what about that one theory you were gonna test

Later. There's something else I want to try first.

The little girl eyes me as I approach. "... should I know you?"

I ignore her. "You. Tiny murder girl. What is your damage?"

"My -- excuse me?!" She draws herself up to her full height. Which isn't much, of course, but I guess it's the thought that counts.

"You heard me," I snap. "You said Shirou took something from you. How's that work when he's never met you before?"

"I -- what?" she sputters. Looks like I caught her off-guard. Works for me. Just as long as it keeps her from remembering she could have Berserker crush me like a fly whenever.

"Time loop, blah blah blah, point is, I know stuff." I wave my hands. "Including, FYI, how to take out your buddy Lou Ferrigno there. Just sayin'."

Illyasviel laughs. "Right. A rando like you knows how kill Hercules, son of Zeus."

"Wha -- that's Hercules?" I blink and eye Berserker. He gives me this kind of blank look in return. I get the sense he's out of his element when it comes to things outside of smashing and smashing-adjacent contexts. "Well, shit. No wonder he's so broken."

"Exactly," she says smugly.

"Doesn't matter, though." I scratch my ear. "We still know how to kill him. Personally, I'd rather not. Been there, done that. Besides, it's kinda sad to watch. Feels like drowning someone's puppy, you know?"

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