Study Tutor

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A month passed and Ebony had tried to stay as far away from John as possible, but he couldn't get the hint and seemed to be trying to get as close as he could to her. She'd made a few friends, but a few enemies too, including Cassandra and the rest of her clique. But Ebony didn't mind them, after all, she wasn't the one who was always trying to get closer to John.

So far, things were good, she'd gotten top in all her surprise tests and quizzes, which seemed to make the strange Maria despise her more. Ebony didn't understand Maria, but as she came to know from her fellow students, Maria was often bullied by everyone, and Ebony was disappointed to find out that John had bullied her too. Perhaps that's why Maria shunned herself from the world.

Ebony had also learned that once, Maria had a best friend who she was really close with. They'd met in kindergarten and been friends ever since. Until she came to this school, when that specific best friend turned against her and joined the popular clique, Cassandra's clique, and began bullying Maria. The particular girl was named Stephanie, Cassandra's current best friend and second in command.

Ebony felt sorry for Maria, but no matter how many times Ebony tried to befriend Maria, Maria seemed to avoid everyone, and hate everyone for that matter. Ebony's friends tried to get her to stop bothering Maria, because they knew it was hopeless. But Ebony was stubborn, and she continued trying to get Maria out of her shell.

Ebony's friends were a clique of twelve bookworms, all straight A students who loved to read. Not all of them wore big, nerdy glasses, but they were all really smart. They claimed that they had once tried to get Maria into their clique, but she had refused.

Ebony had also gained a best friend, a dark haired, dark skinned girl who's hair was so bushy you could try to brush it and get the brush lost in it for days. Her name was Arania, but even she didn't know that Ebony was a robot.

Nobody knew Ebony's secret, the fact that she's a robot. Ebony learned that she can only feel one emotion at a time, or no emotions at all. Her clever father had designed a brain for her which allowed her to fell one emotion really strongly, or none at all. However, he was still working on creating a brain that would allow her to feel and think just like a human.

Then the finals came, and the teachers had decided to pair up the students with each other, each to be the other's study tutor, in case one didn't understand a specific subject. Ebony hoped to be paired up with Maria, she saw that it would be an opportunity to get closer to her. Unfortunately, she was paired up with John, who had apparently bribed the teacher into pairing him up with Ebony, so desperate to get closer to Ebony.

That was how Ebony became John's study tutor and vice versa. Ebony sighed. John was really desperate to find out more about her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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