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"Want a smoothie?" Harry asked when I was at his house one day.

"Its like midnight, Harry," I said, looking over at him from the movie. It was still one of the first times I was over, so I was still nervous. Worried I'd say or do something that would make it to where we aren't friends. He was like my first friend in middle school.


I sighed and followed him to the kitchen,  where all the fresh fruit had been eaten.

"Well, we have canned pairs."

I glanced at him. "Never tried that."

He grinned. "There's a first time for everything."

They were horrible. Absolutely horrible. We tried adding spices but nothing made them better. I almost threw up when Harry dared me to drink his.

Safe to say we're never doing that again.

Why am I telling you this? Good question!

We took a risk, and it failed.

There were others that ended in success, but that's the one we both vividly remember.

That actually keeps me grounded. If I start thinking that maybe it would be okay, bam! The Pear Smoothie Incident, or the PSI for short.

Harry, Isabell, and a new person had sat down at the table for lunch. He had raven hair and brown eyes, a few tattoos on his arms.

"Louis, meet Zayn. Zayn, meet Louis. He just started, like last period."

I smiled at him. "Welcome to Trenton Hell School."

Harry shook his head. "Louis makes it sound worse than it is because he has double the work," Harry explained to Zayn, grabbing his soda and opening it.

"Got ya," he said, turning his attention back to me. I was working on my biology assignment I had gotten in the morning. I stuffed the papers in my textbook and set it in my bag. Thank God it was a Thursday. I was going to need Friday to get all of my work done. Almost all of my classes decided homework would be a good idea.

It wasn't at all.

Harry saw the distress look on my face and I saw him frown in the corner of my eye, but when I turned to him, it was gone.

"What brings you here?" I asked Zayn, turning my head to look at him.

"Mom wanted a new start."

I nodded. My mom was talking about leaving. But not with me.  I wouldn't go with her, I needed to stay for a little longer than a month. Then I'd be free.

The rest of lunch was light banter, mostly between Zayn and I, and when I had glanced at Isabell, she failed to hide a smirk, and I realized too late what her plan was. When Zayn and Harry were busy, I looked at her and shook my head.

The bell for lunch rang and I tossed my tray, moving faster than they were, and I got to class before I could be questioned.

At least questioned in person. Harry texted and asked why I left so fast, and Isabell texted and said that we needed to talk after school.

I ignored Isabell's. To Harry, I just told him I needed to talk to Mr. Gunter before class.

He wouldn't buy it, but I'm not explaining to him that his girlfriend is trying to set me up with the new kid.

Whose a guy.

That can ruin my life.

I really need to get out of here.

Best Friend's POV [Watty's2018]Where stories live. Discover now