Chapter 20-Buckbeak's Lost

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Chapter 20-Buckbeak's Lost

Y/N's POV:

The Gryffindor's happiness from winning the Quidditch cup lasted for about a whole week, whiles the Slytherin's bad temper from losing the Quidditch cup can still be felt inside the Slytherin's common room. When I got inside the common room I can hear Marcus Flint's voice from the portrait hole.

As I walked inside I saw his teammates in front of him as he was shouting at them, I looked over at Millicent with a confused look whiles I walked up beside her.

"What's going on?" I whispered to her, I looked around and saw that everyone was in silence, some were looking pissed and others were smirking at Flint's teammates who were looking down at the ground, but only Draco wasn't looking at the ground he was looking at the fireplace with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Flint was shouted by Professor Snape from not winning and training his teammates hard enough to win the Quidditch Cup, so Flint took all of his anger to his teammates," explained Millicent to me, our heads jolted back to where Flint and his teammates where when we heard a loud 'BANG!'.

It was Flint hitting the table beside him out of anger, his face has a really dark aura.

"You idiots! If you would have listened to me at our practices then we would have won the Cup, other than you laughing not taking our practices seriously and pondering about their love life," as he said the last words he looked over at Draco as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Look at me, you scumheads!"

All of his teammates looked up at him, whiles Draco sighed first before turning his head to face.

"Why can't you look at me straight in the eye, huh? Are you scared?!" shouts Flint at them, making all of them flinch.

"Well, it's not our problem that your teeth makes you look like an ugly troll," snapped Draco at him, as everyone sniggered whiles Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle didn't bother to lower their voices as the three of them roared with laughter.

Flint turned his head to Draco and glared at him as he got closer to him.

"What did you just say, Goldilocks?" snapped Flint back to Draco, as everyone sniggered once again.

"I said that it's not our problem that your teeth makes you look like an ugly troll, Looney Tunes," because of this the whole common room were filled with laughter from the Slytherins.

I didn't know Slytherins would know a Muggle TV show, especially Draco since - oh yeah! I almost forgot, back then the Daily Prophet would have little comics that kids can read so they can know more about the things that's going on around the Wizarding World by reading kids comics, but sometimes those comics can be darker for kids to read. The artist from the Ministry who draw those comics would always draw a bunny rabbit character that has an enormous two front teeth, that comic character was named Looney Tunes. No one knew that that name and character was taken from the Muggle world.

(Nice little additional story :D)

I guess Draco really liked reading those comics back then, but the Department for that comic was shut down by the editor of the Daily Prophet and said that those comics were going darker for kids to read. It also seems that almost all of the Slytherins know about Looney Tunes from the Daily Prophet back then, since there were no Muggle-borns in Slytherin (I think).

Draco and Flint glared at each other for about a solid minute before Flint opened his mouth.

"Don't be too cocky, Sleeked Head," snapped Flint once again, the laughter from the Slytherins once again filled the whole common room.

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