Chapter 7

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Sorry for the long wait guys; glad you stuck together though! This chapter is kind of packed with tons of information and drama so just a forewarning; and it's not my best since I kind of rushed it a bit. Hope you enjoy though !:) xx Also i didn't quite read through it completely. tell me any errors!

Chapter 7:

After watching the movie, Harry left and planed a kiss on my cheek before he exited Lo’s apartment.

“So,” Sam struts over to the couch, sitting next to me about to question my thoughts on Harry, “you fancy him don’t ya?” she asked me, making me nervous and thinking if I should answer honestly. I’m still confused whether I should tell anyone who I fancy because I have a lot of trust issues, including me telling others who I fancy because it’s quite difficult to expose my crush to others. When I was little, I fancied this little boy in my grade, it was around first grade and I told one of my friends and she told the whole grade, so therefore I much rather not tell anyone my crush any longer.

“No,” I told her, whipping Harry out of my mind. I just want him with me. I walked back into the guest room where I stood in the mirror for a while. Staring into the mirror, I look at the necklace I just received from Harry, and admiring it. It was so beautiful, and heart whelming how he gave me a present for my birthday even though we’ve been friends for about a month and a half now.

I’m just going to feel horrible when I have to tell him I have to head back to America for school. I wouldn’t know how to tell him, whether I should or not, and if I did would I just come out and say it. I shook the thought out of my mind and slipped into a pair of sweats since I was a little chilly. Walking out of the bedroom, I noticed that Sam left, oddly enough she didn’t change nor did she tell me. Where is she off too?

“Lo, where’s Sam?” I asked her, making her shrug in confusion. I took out my cell phone and texted her.

Hey, where are you?

Samzi: I’m out


Samzi: doesn’t matter.

Well, okay then Sampson, I see if you would rather not tell me where you are, I’ just going to go out myself and come back the next day.

“Lo!” I hollered out, and later did she immediately come to where I was, “let’s go out!” I tell her, and her violent nodding her head yes. She probably needs a breather after all that happened.

 I wanted to get wasted after everything that has happened with all this drama and bullshit. I haven’t really got a good drink in a while; the last time I did was during school and I always prefer to drink after school since it won’t interfere with my school work since I’m such a huge book worm.

“Hey Es?” Lo came out of her room, with her head peeping into the guest room, her long brown hair stroking down to her mid back.

“Yeah?” I responded, brushing my hair and looking at myself in the mirror.

“So are you and Harry and item?” She asked me again; walking back into her room and grabbing her makeup bag; bringing it back to the guest room.

“I don’t know I mean he’s a nice guy and he’s extremely sweet and handsome, so I guess sometimes I fancy him; sometimes I don’t.”

“What do you mean by sometimes?”

“Well, sometimes I just think we’re not right for each other,” and by that sentence, we continued to get ready. “Oh, hey Lo can I borrow a shirt to wear?” I asked her, and saw her sitting up and heading to her bedroom, coming back with a pink lace bandeau top. “Thanks,”

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