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Because of her own inability to handle compliments, Isabelle grinned and told Victor to shut up.

He kicked a rock towards her, returning the earlier sentiment. "I thought people liked compliments,"

"They do when they're used to them," Victor stopped and stared at her, making Isabelle fidget a little. "What?"

"You... you're not... fuck, Belle, do you know how sad that sounds?" She shook her head. "It sounds fucking horrible. How are you not used to compliments?"

"How are you used to them? Your friends consist of a serial burp-er, a mullet-wearing asshole with some major anger issues, and a psycho-sexually-depraved giraffe,"

"Yeah but, my family- Henry- this is about you,"

Isabelle looked at the dirt. "I guess I thought it was normal - it is for me, anyway. My parents always figured I was self-assured like Haley... or self-aware like Charlotte. I don't know. They just didn't think I needed validation or anything so... you know..."

"Your sisters don't compliment you?"

"No," Isabelle touched her chin with the back of her hand when she realised she was pouting slightly. She straightened up, "I mean not really. They think I know I'm... decent looking,"

"Decent looking? You have no idea - you're fucking gorgeous," Victor's gaze never wavered, meaning he was telling the truth. Knowing that made Isabelle look down again, unsure of whether or not she should smile. Was that protocol? "Come on,"

Victor stood up, making her crane her neck to look at him. "Where?"

"I'm taking you on a date, Miss Insecure,"

254 words.

what is up my dudes

if anyone had high hopes for my writing skillz, i'm sorry.

hbvsjhdbv i'm holed up in my bedroom atm sO i'm aiming to write 2-3 more chapters in my word document and update this soon!! thank y'all for being patient with my procrastinating ass i love u guys sm

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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