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"This is stupid," Haley muttered, "who hangs around here anyway?" They were at the quarry. Haley hated water. Anyone could see how this was an issue. Isabelle patted her sister's back.

"It's summer – you've got to have experiences, Haley," she used one of the lines Haley used on her to talk her into things. Isabelle cringed internally. She never thought the tables would be turned like this.

"But why does this have to be one of them?"

Isabelle almost sighed, but she didn't want Haley to feel bad about this. "Because this is a small-ass town and there really isn't much to do here. We have to make the most of whatever entertainment we can find. It might not be so bad, just give it a go,"

Haley wrinkled her nose and touched the shallow water with her toe. She recoiled, almost as if it had burned her. She grabbed Isabelle's arm and shook her head.

"I'll stay here, thanks,"

"Suit yourself," Isabelle replied. Haley kept her eyes locked on the water as Isabelle pulled her shirt off over her head and pushed her shorts down.

"What-?" Haley started as she caught sight of Isabelle from the corner of her eye.

"You expected me to drench my clothes?"

"What if someone sees you?!"

"You sound like Charlotte," Isabelle commented drily, "besides, who's going to care? People wear underwear, girls wear bras. It's not a secret," Haley huffed but didn't say anything more.

A yell caught their attention, heads snapping upwards to watch a young girl jump from the edge of a cliff. She hit the water with a splash, and as soon as she came back up she yelled 'I hate you, Tozier!'. It was Annabelle. Her voice, because she was yelling, was shriller and more strained than Isabelle has heard it before. A boy with dark hair was standing on the cliff, laughing until someone else came up behind him and shoved him into the water as well.

Annabelle laughed and gave whoever did it a thumbs up. As she avoided the splash from the boy's fall, Annabelle turned her head and caught sight of Isabelle and Haley.

"Isabelle?" She called. "Come on!" Isabelle glanced at Haley, catching her nod before grinning and running into the water. She started to swim as soon as her feet couldn't touch the bottom. She hadn't been in water for a long time. She'd missed it.

"Who are you?" The boy asked her.

"This is Isabelle, she's cool. Isabelle, this is Richie," Isabelle reached over and shook Richie's hand, furrowing her eyebrows as he kissed her hand.

"Milady," he greeted. Annabelle rolled her eyes.

"Ignore him, he's a weirdo,"

"How dare you?"

Isabelle smiled at Richie. "Weirdos are kind of cute, but you're a little young for me,"

"Age doesn't- mmfhmh!" Annabelle clamped a hand over Richie's mouth, splashing water in his face.

"First impressions, Richie, they're important,"

One by one, more kids, all younger than Isabelle by at least a year, jumped into the water. Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough and Mike were among them. Haley was sitting on the ground, a few metres away from the water. She had Isabelle's clothes in her lap and a magazine in her hands. Isabelle could feel her gaze every now and then.

Somehow, Isabelle ended up in a game with them. They'd made their way to shallower water, so their feet touched the soft surface beneath. Beverly climbed on top of Isabelle's shoulders, initiating a chicken fight with Annabelle, who was perched on Stanley's shoulders. Isabelle had learned that Stan was the one to push Richie in the water. Beverly and Annabelle linked their hands together, pushing against one another. Stan, bless him, was a little hesitant to even touch Isabelle.

Isabelle grinned and caught Stan's hand, delicately moving it so it looked like they were involved in the fight. Beverly suddenly shoved Annabelle's hands with enough force to knock her backwards. Annabelle squealed before she landed in the water with a splash. Beverly cheered in victory, hopping down from Isabelle's shoulders and gave her a high-five.

"We saw a tur-turtle here once," Bill said absently, floating on his back. Richie pushed on his stomach and sent him under the surface of the water.

"It scared the shit out of Eddie," Richie put in as Bill came back up sputtering. Eddie, who was pretty small and cute although feisty and really, really smart, splashed at him. "Stan- oh my god- Stan, hold me! Something touched my foot! Oh my god!" Eddie dunked Richie's head under the water.

Isabelle turned around when she heard a cry and a splash. Bubbles appeared on top of the water a metre in front of her. Isabelle looked to the bank, where Haley should have been.

She wasn't there.

800 words.

wOW i took unbelievably long to write this i'm so sorry 

on the bright side i have a plan for the next few chapters i hope you guys enjoy them

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