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Isabelle was used to Haley dragging her places, so she hadn't paid much attention when her sister had taken her to the party. That was something Isabelle regretted. Derry wasn't a huge town, she'd probably find her way back home eventually.

"Excuse me, are you lost?" A small voice inquired. Isabelle turned around. People had a habit of talking to her back today, it seemed.

"How'd you know?"

"I've never seen you here before, and this isn't really a popular neighbourhood," it was a girl, probably a few years younger than Isabelle. She had fair skin, icy blue eyes and brown hair. She was quite pretty.

"My sister took me to a party, wasn't my scene so I left. Now... I don't know how to get home," Isabelle explained sheepishly. The girl smiled kindly.

"Where do you live? I can probably get you there,"

Isabelle gave her the address. A lightbulb practically appeared over the girl's head.

"Oh! I know where that is!" Although she didn't actually tell Isabelle to follow her, Isabelle felt it was implied when the girl turned and starting walking away. Isabelle hurried to catch up with her, for a small girl she walked fast. "I'm Annabelle, by the way,"

"I'm Isabelle,"

"We match!" Annabelle remarked brightly. Isabelle found herself smiling too. Annabelle led her down the street, to another, and then to an avenue, and then crossed over to another street where Isabelle actually recognised the houses. "Does this look like your street?"

"Yes, thank you so much,"

"No problem, stay safe, don't go to any more wild parties," Annabelle winked and grinned before waving, "see you around,"

"Yeah, see you," as Annabelle retreated back down the street, Isabelle thought of what to tell Haley about the party. Should she just be honest? Tell her there was a cute boy, and then Isabelle had one of her episodes and just had to leave? There was no way her mother would ignore it if she overheard it, though. She'd make Isabelle go back to her psychologist, her counsellor, everyone she'd gotten rid of when the episodes had stopped.

Isabelle sighed and began the walk to her house. Most of the neighbours appeared to be sleeping, their houses void of any lights in the windows. A few had dim lights, most likely from televisions or reading lamps. Isabelle should have been more scared, especially considering her fear of the dark. But it wasn't. It was more peaceful than anything else.

"Isabelle! Did you have fun?" Isabelle's mother greeted her when she opened the door. Her mother and Charlotte were curled up on the couch together, watching a black and white film. Her father was probably asleep; he hated staying up late.

"Yes, mum, it was great,"

"Where's Haley?"

Isabelle didn't want to say that Haley had gone off with a friend. It would sound like Haley didn't care about her, when really Isabelle told her to go. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Charlotte caught the motion, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"She wanted to talk to a friend about something – she said she'd catch up with me," Isabelle's mother nodded. "Goodnight,"

Isabelle kissed Charlotte and her mother on the cheek and exchanged 'I love you's with both of them before she began to walk up the stairs. She couldn't be bothered to shower, so Isabelle just wiped her face and brushed her teeth. Spotting something out the window, Isabelle paused in front of her dresser. It was Haley, talking with Eric. They were standing on the sidewalk. Haley looked... not quite angry, just annoyed and Eric was laughing.

Eric said something to her, took a step forward and made to touch Haley's face. Isabelle had a bad feeling. Her stomach started churning. Haley held her hands up and stepped back, shaking her head. Eric looked angry, judging by his body language. He spoke again, this time more aggressively. Haley argued with him, eyebrows furrowed and body tensed. Isabelle couldn't tear her eyes away. All of a sudden, Eric stepped forward again and gripped Haley's shoulders. She pushed him away quickly, and his hand finally made contact with her face.

Haley's head snapped to the side and Isabelle ran down the stairs.

"Is? What's going on?" Charlotte asked, sitting up straight on the couch. Isabelle didn't speak until she got outside.

"Haley, oh my god!" Haley looked up and Eric turned around. When he saw the girls' mother and Charlotte coming out of the house as well, he pushed Haley out of the way and ran. Haley, now on the ground, had tears in her eyes. Charlotte moved ahead of Isabelle and knelt beside Haley. She took Haley into her arms to comfort her. Isabelle's mother moved too, joining them on the pavement. Isabelle could only find it within herself to stand there, staring at the spot where Eric had run off.

"Let's get you inside, hey?" Charlotte suggested to Haley gently. Isabelle should have stayed at the party. She should have looked harder to find Haley. She should have stayed with her sister, and maybe Eric wouldn't have been a dick.

"Issy," her mother murmured, bringing Isabelle out of her almost-trance. "It's not your fault, honey,"

Isabelle nodded mutely. Charlotte had already gotten Haley up the stairs and into the house.

"I'll just- I'm gonna go to bed," her mother squeezed Isabelle's shoulder and wished her goodnight. Inside, Charlotte was holding a damp cloth to Haley's cheek and rubbing her back. Haley sniffled as Isabelle approached her to hug her. "I'm so sorry," Isabelle whispered.

Haley squeezed Isabelle, arms tight around her. "Not your fault,"

Isabelle wished she could believe that.

949 words.

through the dark; vic crissМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя