"Mmmmm perfect, so delicate" it was Odette's sultry voice.

"Don't you think Khloe?" Odette was sitting on the end of the bend with Khloe kneeling besiding,

"Yes Mistress" Khloe purred

"Can you be a dear kitty and fetch Khloe's collar off the dresser there for me?" Odette began moving Khloe's hair from her neck readying it for her collar.

Khloe's collar was deep purple with little rhinestones around the upper and lower edges of the collar, in the middle was a cut out heart with a bigger rhinestone hanging down. Odette fastened it around Khloe's neck proclaiming ownership.

"Come sit Kitty" Odette grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

"I just need to grab a few things before we can go" She kissed Khloe on the forehead and then me before leaving the room.

"I know why you're here" Khloe's head snapped around, her once beautiful friendly face, now dark.

"I don't under-"

"save it" she cut me off

"You see this" she pointed to her collar.

"You girls come and go, and if you think for one second you can replace me, you got another thing coming sunshine, I'll bury you" she smiled sweetly

"Come on darlings you don't want to be late" Odette called out.

Khloe got up and pranced out the door.

The car ride was silent, I was trying hard not to step on Khloe's toes, Odette was trying hard to put focus onto me and Khloe easily redirected it straight back to her.

The car stopped, and the chauffeur opened the door, we got out and Odette told him she'd call when we needed to leave, and he disappeared.

"I'm so excited" Khloe grabbed Odette's arm and tried to pull her forward.

"Darling, why don't you go on ahead and get started, its little kitty's first time and I want to show her the ropes" Khloe gave a pout to Odette and narrowed her eyes at me, If they could throw daggers I would have been dead. She spun on her heels and walked off with speed.

"Sorry about Khloe" Odette slipped her hand through mine.

"She sure is uhm interesting"

"ha-ha, that's one word, Khloe always feels a little threatened"

"Yeah she kind of mentioned that"

"She knows her time is nearly up with me"

"Oh really, so you'll be looking for someone else?" my heart beat a little fast, could that be me?

"I mean I've always been looking but I haven't found anyone that has really been interesting or worth it, anyway we better get inside, or we'll miss all the fun"

We walked up the driveway scattered with cars, it was a mansion of a house, pillars stood at the entry way along with a door man.

"Name?" he stood about 6 foot 5, muscles popping out of his shirt.

"Emily Miller and guest"

"you've already had one guest check in" he said flipping through the guest list.

"Yes, I know I put two down, I did tell dear Jerry do I need to call him?" Odette whipped out her phone from her bag and began dialing.

"hello?" a man's voice answered

"Jerry darling we're having trouble with your door man, I hate to be a bother, but can you come help?"

"Of course, Emily" Jerry hung up.

The door man grew increasingly worried with each minute that passed. After five minutes a tall muscular man in his thirties appeared at the door behind him.

"Emily" he walked out, and they kissed on the cheek.

"I'm sorry sir I was just following protocol" the doorman tried to explain himself.

"Not to worry" Jerry hushed him.

"Emily and uhh what may I call you" he grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on it

"Call me Rose"

"And pretty as one you, come inside ladies"

Voices filled the house, music was playing, and the lights were low.

"Your kitten is already playing" Jerry took some cocktails from the waiter and handed them to us.

"Of course, she is" Odette smiled.

"Is this you're newest addition Em? Or is she replacing?" Jerry moved closer to me.

"I'm not sure yet Jerry"

"Jerry!" a group of girls called out from the balcony.

"Pleasure calls ladies, do excuse me, and I hope to see you around" his eyes lingered on me, before leaving and heading up stairs.

"I think I'm going to need another drink" I sculled the last of my cocktail.

"Of course, come with me" she took me to the kitchen and we downed a few shots.

"Where do we start?" I asked biting into my lemon.

"Well down stairs is for mingling and mild foreplay and upstairs is where the magic happens" she winked.

Odette took my hand and we made our way into what looked like the loungeroom, the fire was roaring there were naked bodies laying on the rug, some draped over the lounge.

"See anything you like" she whispered in my ear.


"This room is too timid" she dragged me out and upstairs.

As we inched closer to the first bedroom I could loud moans, Odette opened the door and my eyes feasted on naked bodies all intertwined together, girls upon girls, getting spanked, paddled, throated, punished. Odette took my hand and led me into the room closing the door behind me. My heart went into over drive, my pussy flowing with juices. She left my hand and went to join in, finding some girl with her legs spread she dove head first eating her out. A guy locked eyes on me seeing me alone, he came up behind me and slipped his hand down my panties, feeling how wet I was. I wanted to be made and object, he slid his fingers in and out, I closed my eyes and sunk into the feeling of him, when I opened again there was another man in front of me, he pulled my panties down and exposed my pussy. The rest of the bodies in the room not even caring, all to happy in their pleasures. 

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