Part 6

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 I felt my stomach churning and acidity rising in my throat, I'm going to be fucking sick.

"I need some air" I blurted out, and walked off from Oscar and his family.

Oscar grabbed my wrist "everything okay?"

No everything's not okay! I'm fucking your dad who is blackmailing me, for god knows what sick pleasure, your sister just ate me out in the god damn bathroom, and I think I'm pregnant!

"I just need some air, feeling a bit closed in" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before slipping out of his grip and finding the balcony.

I couldn't decide whether I needed to hurl or scream, or hurl myself off the balcony screaming. The hole I'm digging myself is just becoming bigger with no way out. I take deep breathes.

"Need a drink?" Alex has snuck up from somewhere and is standing beside me holding a champagne glass.

"What do you want Alex?" I sighed.

"Did you get my gift?"

"Yes, I did"

"Did you not like it?"

"Oscar nearly opened it. What the fuck at you playing at? Everything was nearly ruined, I can't keep doing this Alex" I could feel tears burning in my eyes.

"Should I just go tell Oscar for you?" Alex finished off his drink and placed mine in front of me.

"What do you get out of this? Some sick game?"

"It is fun" He nodded his head agreeing with me.

"So that's all this is, some fun" I spat the words at him.

"Well I'm sick of this fun, I have a decent man in there who loves me and I'm risking that because of you" I picked up the sides of my dress and turned to leave.

"Don't please"

I looked back at Alex and for once he looked human and vulnerable.


"I missed you, when you left"

This was the first time Alex had even been remotely emotional with me.

"Thirty years of marriage and I couldn't find anything like what I found with you, and then you vanished and show up here engaged to my son"

"I had no idea he was your son"

"I know, but he found what I saw in you, I just wanted that time back again"

"What we had I will never ever forget, it was one of the best times I could have ever had" I moved closer to Alex. He slipped his arms around my waist.

"Go back inside and be with your wife Alex, let it be over between us" Alex kissed me on the cheek and removed his hands from me.

"It would have been great between us"

"I know" I replied.

"Goodnight April"

"Good night Alex" He left me on the balcony and went back inside.

I found a bench and went and sat down, I checked my phone Oscar had messaged me 4 times trying to find me. I took out a cigarette and lit it up and inhaled deeply. I messaged him back.

April- I'm okay, just on the balcony x

Oscar- Which one?

April- There's more than one?

Oscar- Yes :')

April- The balcony near the Greek exhibit x

Oscar- Got it

I finished my cigarette, threw some gum in my mouth. Oscar came around the corner with someone on his arm, it wasn't till they moved into the light that I saw it was Odette. Fuck.

"There you are darling" came Odette's French accent.

"Feeling any better?" Oscar came to my side.

"Yeah, I'm okay just needed some fresh air is all"

"Good, good, Odette's going to stay the night with us, as we're closer to father's work for a meeting tomorrow, I hope that's okay?"

"Uh, yes it's not a problem at all"

"Excellent" Odette announced.

"I've organised for the car to pick you and Odette up, I need to stay a little longer some top clients are here and I'm needed on a business matter, so I'll come to the hotel later, hopefully not too late. I can sleep on the lounge and you and Odette can bunk together"

What is he nuts?

"Oh, please Ossie, I can't put you out like that" Odette's full lips turned into a pout.

"It's no trouble at all, April will be fine with I'm sure" their heads turned to me.

"No, that's right, it's fine"

"Marvellous" Odette came over and linked her arm through mine.

"It'll be a great opportunity to get to know my new sister" She flashed Oscar a smile.

"Great so I'll see you both back at hotel?" He kissed us both on the cheek before leaving.

"Shall we go?" we walked together still linked in arms.

"I saw you on the balcony" Odette probed.

"Yes, I needed some air"

"With my father" She added

"Oh, yes, well, he bought some art from me and we were discussing delivery" I tried to remain calm.

"Do you embrace all your clients like that?"

She'd seen more than I thought.

"It was merely a friendly hug"

"A word of advice April, most of us are not blind to my father's indiscretions"

"I don't know what you mean?"

"Yes April, yes you do"

We got to the car and rode back to the hotel in silence. If Odette knew about Alex and I that meant other people did as well.

We got back to the hotel and the first thing I wanted to do was kick off my damn heels.

"Where's your bathroom" Odette asked scoping out the apartment.

"Just use our en suite" I pointed down the hall way to our room, I followed her so I could also take off my dress. Odette went into the bathroom and closed the door which didn't shut all the way leaving a small gap. I sat on the bed and undid my hair and took my jewellery off. I glanced over and saw Odette through the gap, she had unzipped her dressed and let it fall to the floor around her, her beautiful breasts were exposed, I looked down her body which fell into curves in all the right places. The door opened and she startled me. She stood in the door way exposed and alluring.

"Are we going to bed?" she smiled flirtatiously  

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