Curiousity Killed The Cat

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*Edit: I'm in the process of adding translations for people who don't know some words. Enjoy the story*

The girl continued to walk through the forest, her bare feet littered with grass, twigs and anything else she stepped on. However because of how hard her skin was she felt nothing. Her black dress was now reduced to shreds, but it somehow stayed together, her eye remaining hidden by the piece of her dress wrapped around it. She wasn't hungry, but an arm would only keep her full for a little while. She walked and skipped along the forest floor, still having no clue where she was headed. She looked up to see the now blue sky, the giant ball of light high into the sky, it was too bright for her to look at, so she simply didn't. She noticed the things flying in the sky, she thought that Kabuto called them birds once, she also noticed the big white fluffy things that seemed to float by, although she never knew what they were called. There were a lot of things she didn't know what to call, she didn't even know what to call herself. She didn't ever have a real name, she doesn't even know what she is.

A little more walking and she could soon smell it.

Meat, flesh, food.

Whatever you like to call it, but it smelled amazing to her. She wasn't hungry, but the smell was almost too much, she could easily tell there were a lot of people around. She walked a little closer until she could see a tall wall with a huge gate. Curiosity got the best of her, and she walked in happily. Two men sat down at a desk, looking at some papers. One man had brown hair covering one eye and the other had black spiked hair with a bandage across his nose, both men wore headbands with a symbol she's never seen before. Finally, noticing the girl, they decided to speak.

"What are you doing here?" The black haired man asked.

She simply looked at him before replying. "I don't know....."

Both men looked at each other before the other one spoke up.

"It might be best for her to see the Hokage right away." The brown haired guy said to the other.

The black haired guy sighed before standing up. "Follow me please."

The two walked in silence to whoever this 'Hokage ' is. The nameless girl looked curiously at all the people and shops around her. The man looked at her strangely.

'It's like she's never seen a village before.' He thought.

There was an awkward silence until the taller man spoke. "By the way my name is Kotetsu, and back there was Izumo."

"Nice to meet you Kotetsu." The girl replied, the man was confused as to why she didn't give him her own name but stayed silent.

They soon approached a red building which had a symbol on top she couldn't read, she never knew how to read to begin with. They entered the tall building and climbed a flight of stairs before coming to a large wooden door. Kotetsu knocked thrice before a gruff voice spoke.

"Come in."

Kotetsu obliged and opened the door so the two could step in. The Hokage took a second to look at the girl. Tattered black dress, messy white hair, no shoes, and a piece of her dress covering her right eye. She looked like she had gotten out of a war, and in some way she had. The Hokage looked at her in sympathy before asking her a question.

"Why did you come here?"

The girl shrugged. "I was curious."

"Where do you come from?" He asked.

She shrugged again. "I don't know."

"What's your name?" He asked, hopeful that he'd get more than a shrug.

"I don't have one...." She replied quietly.

"How old are you?" He asked.

She shrugged yet again. "I don't even know how time works, so I don't know."

The Hokage was at a loss for words, he had nothing to go on.

"Do you have any parents?" He asked.

The girl looked confused. "What are parents?"

The Hokage said nothing, how could she not know what parents were? The Hokage felt sympathetic and asked one more question.

"Do you have a place to stay?"

She shrugged. "I could always sleep in the forest."

The Hokage decided that he wanted to help, so he spent an hour asking her questions. Almost every question was answered with 'I don't know', or 'what's that?'. He found out that she had no name, doesn't know where she came from, doesn't know what a family is, doesn't know what a ninja is, and she can't read or write. But he did decide that she was probably eleven or twelve years old.

"If you like I can have someone teach you until you can read, write and attend the academy. I will also give you a place to stay and a name." He proposed.

She nodded her head in agreement, not having any other real choices.

The Hokage sat in silence for a while before speaking. "How about Himika? It means scarlet flames or intense flames."

Not having any better ideas, she nodded her head agreeing to the name Himika. The Hokage summoned for a teacher and another man appeared in the room.

"You needed me Hokage-sama?" The new man asked, Kotetsu took this as a sign to leave and bowed his head before leaving.

The Hokage chuckled. "I need you to teach this girl how to read and write. After that please make sure she is prepared to join the academy, she can graduate in a few months that way. Also show her to her apartment and show her where she can buy clothes, food and ninja gear." The Hokage ordered.

"Alright, I can do that now." The man replied, offering Himika his hand.

Himika hesitantly took the man's hand, his larger one grasping her smaller one. She was happy with her new name and that she had a place to stay, but let's just hope that curiosity doesn't kill this cat.


Sama: Lord (I think, it's just a really repectful term)

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