Chapter 8 {Rewrite}

Start from the beginning

"Thank you." I tell the man. We walk out of the store. 

"Unlike our Lucy, scary Lucy is really dependable." Happy says to Edo-Lucy, smiling. I look down at his words. They really act rather cold to earthland Lucy, I wonder if it's intentional.

"I told you not to call me scary." Edo-Lucy tells Happy, annoyed. "Anyways, I want to know more about the other me." Edo-Lucy tells us.


"Hahaha! I'm writing a novel. I'm from a rich family and I use key magic!" Edo-Lucy says, unable to stop laughing. 

"Both of you are equally noisy though." Natsu tells her. 

"Don't call me noisy!" Edo-Lucy replies to the fire mage. 

"I know I just bought this but, how do I use it." Wendy says, holding up her weapon. Edo-Lucy looks at her quickly. 

"Don't show a magic item in front of other people stupid." Edo-Lucy tells Wendy, who quickly hides it. 

" I told you guys that magic is banned around the world right." Edo-Lucy says in a whisper. 

"I'm sorry." Wendy apologises. 'I really find it annoying how she only thinks badly about our Lucy, and how Natsu and Happy only compare her to the negatives.' I think to myself tuning out their conversation.

"There they are!" I hear a voice say. My attention snaps to the guards. 

"Seal off the entrance to the city." The guard says to the others. 

"The royal army!" Edo-Lucy says, standing up. We all stand up and Wendy gasps. 

"You! Your Fairy Tail wizards right!" The guard asks us, forcing an answer. "Stay right there!" The other guard yells without waiting for an answer. 

"We've already been discovered!" Carla says shocked. 

"How did they find us?" Cynthia says slightly panicked.  The army begins to charge at us with their weapons. 

"Okay then, let's try this thing out." Natsu says activating a flaming sword. "

Don't" Edo-Lucy warns him. 

"Carla, how do i use this thing again?" Wendy asks carla, struggling to open it. 

"How should I know." I facepalm as Natsu starts laughing but then notices they have shields. "Shields? Okay, once more." Natsu says, trying to activate the sword. But nothing happened. 

"Magic power is limited, remember? It all has a certain amount of uses." Edo-Lucy tells him. 

"Just once!?" Natsu says surprised. 

"If you keep the output in mind, you can use it about 100 times." Edo-Lucy yells at him. The guards begin to charge at us and that is Wendy finally gets her weapon open. A giant tornado forms and sucks us up with it. 

"What have you done Wendy!" Natsu cries out. 

"I'm sorry!" She says to him. The tornado shoots us into the air, and crashes us into a house. 

"Ow..." I say in pain as I get up, rubbing my arm. I hear guards marching outside the house, looking for us. 

"We've managed to avoid them. But we wont be able to leave the city at this rate." Edo-Lucy tells us while looking through a hole. 

"The magic here is hard to use." Natsu says. 

"Yeah." Wendy replies, agreeing. 

"What will we do?" Happy asks one of us. 

"Is there an other entrance?" Carla asks Edo-Lucy. 

"We're in trouble." She tells us. We all sit at the door trying to think of a plan when we hear voices outside our door. 

"We've got you Fairy Tail!" The voice of a guard says. We all look up in surprise. 

"They've found us already?" Cynthia asks in a whisper. 

"Let me go." A familiar female voice says. 

"Huh?" Natsu asks, slightly opening the door. 

"Come with us." A guard says. 

"You're Lucy, right?" The guard asks her. 

"Yes, I'm Lucy, but whats going on here?" Lucy asks the guards. 

"Lucy!" Natsu says. 

"Me?" Edo-Lucy questions. 

"That hurts, sheesh. Man, Gate of the scorpion, I open thee." Lucy says, taking out her key and summoning scorpio. 

"Lucy, we cant use magic hear." Wendy warns here. 

"Scorpio!" Lucy summons him. 

"Wicked" Scorpio says doing his signature pose. Me and the others look at her in surprise. 

"Sandbuster" Scorpio says and he attacks the guards. The others just stare in amazement. "I have a date with aquarious now. Later" Scorpio says while poofing away. 

"Lucy your okay." I say calling out to her. 

"You guys." Lucy says sincerely. Her eyes then lay on her Edolas counterpart and her face turns to one of surprise. "Me!" She yells loudly. This is going to be fun to explain.

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