"Please, we all noticed her... she's a beauty, hard not to notice... we just didn't go embarassing ourselves like you did..."

"Hey - what are you guys talking about?" Eren scrunched his eyebrows, a little rattled by the contents of the conversation he had just overheard, "Or rather - who?"

They ignored him.

"Eren!" Armin pulled at his sleeve, "Wanna get some combat practice in before dinner? Let's go!"

"Damn those abs... imagine what she'd be like in bed-"

"I'm going to have sweet sweet dreams tonight..."

"I wonder what they'd feel like-"

"You know she'd break your arm if you ever tried-"

"I'll break your arm if you ever tried!"

"I agree though, she'd be a beast in bed..."

"I'd let her top me if she wanted..."

"Like you'd have a choice with her, or even a chance for that matter."

"Yo, quit it guys, Jean's gonna explode."

"Like, literally."

"Who on earth-"

Eren began, but then decided he didn't care. If the idiots were going to waste their time salivating over some girl when there were Titans out there that needed slaughtering, he clearly shouldn't bother talking to them, least of all join their asinine conversation.

Eren turned to leave.

"It's okay Jean, we won't judge. You can go jack off to Mikasa's abs-"

"WHAT?!" Eren stopped in his tracks and whirled around.

Suddenly, the room went quite. It seemed that they had just then taken notice of Eren's presence. Some of the guys turned white.

"E-Eren!" Connie yelped, "You - you're here - how was - how was your day?!"

Eren stared at him for a moment, his brain unable to process what he'd just heard.

The girl they had all been raving about, the girl they'd all said such lecherous things about, was - Mikasa?

You can go jack off to Mikasa's abs.

Eren felt his heart pounding, and blood rushing to his face. He had no idea why, but he suddenly felt an uncontrollable desire to whip out his 3DMG and beat every single one of them to the ground.

Or better yet, he'd use his fists.

"Eren," Tomas began awkwardly, as if sensing his turmoil, "Yo, Eren, before you freak out, just know we were joking, yeah?"

"You were talking about Mikasa," Eren said slowly, his green eyes hardening, "Just now, the whole lot of you... you were talking about Mikasa..."

"Look, Eren, we're really sorry," Marco said, "We didn't mean it in a bad way, we respect Mikasa, we do."

"But the fact is, she's extremely attractive!" Jean burst out, "You of all people should have realized it by now! You can't deny it!"

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