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Sighing I dropped my bag on the ground inside the door.

"Mom! I'm home!"

"I didn't know I was your mom. I better be getting a gift for Mother's day."

I smiled and looked up. "Hey Dad."

His smile widened, if such a thing is possible.

"Is that anyway to greet me?" He pulled me into a hug. "And is it necessary to read my daughter's thoughts people?"

I sighed. "Dad. Stop. There's nobody reading my mind. I'm pretty good with telepaths."

"Fine. I'll stop breaking the fourth wall."

I swear, and he's less insane than he usually is.

Oh, and if you thought this was my biological dad...yeah no.

This is...

Well how do I put this lightly...

My 'dad' is the Joker.

And my 'mom' is Harley.

"What do you want for lunch?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"The souls of Batman and Robin."

"So macaroni then?"

"That's what I said isn't it?"

"Heya Mr J. I brought- Percy!" Mom practically crushed me.

"Ack! Mom! Can't breathe."

"I can't see- oh too much for you?" Dad laughed at his own joke.

Get it?

See oh too.

Mom let me go. "That was a good one Mr J. But I wouldn't let her die from asphyxiation."

"Yep. Cause that's Tyson's job. Honestly, how much stronger have you gotten?" I shook my head.

"Well honey, you were gone for quite some time. And the two of us had to do something other than worry over the two of you."

"How many?"

"How many what? How many times I've changed personalities?" Dad...

"How many people did you kill?"

"Sixty three I believe."

That's not that bad I guess...

"The Justice League has their own kiddy pool."

"Whatcha mean?" I grabbed a pan from under the sink.

"Robin and all the other sidekicks. The League lets them do their dirty work." Dad chuckled. "They're really quite annoying. Somehow the Light's plan is still going according to plan."

I started making the food. "Have you even thought about what that plan would achieve?"

"Not really. I get chuckles."

I turned around and glared at him. "It would destroy Olympus. You know very well how the gods deal with threats."

I could tell he was put off, as his smile wavered a tiny bit.

"You remember what Hades did when he thought I stole his Helm. And that was just one god, mad at one demigod. They've erased entire cities. I don't think they'd have any hesitation killing the members of the Light."

Mom frowned. "Percy, what happened?"

Turning back to the food I ignored her.

"Perseus Psyche Quinn."

The Masquerade (Fem. Percy YJ Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now