25; Involved With The Bad Boy

Start from the beginning

"I hope you don't mind that I came on you," he bluntly says. "But yes, I cleaned you up."

My eyes widen at his bold statement, and I am suddenly very glad that I turned away from him because I know if I was looking right into his green eyes when he said that I would've drowned myself to avoid further embarrassment.

Just as I am finished with pretending to clean myself up a car enters the area that we're in. We both turn to look at the black Mercedes with tinted windows. Hunter curses under his breath and before I know what's happening he's pulling me by my arm. We're just stepping out of the water when someone steps out of the back door of the Mercedes.

The man in the suit smiles before signalling us both to come closer. I swallow as Hunter squeezes my arm reassuringly. Our conversation about his biological father comes crashing back to me.

He's a dangerous man. He has connections all over the place.

I try to cover most of myself up with my hands as we near the man. We stand close enough that I can see that his eyes are green, the same shade as Hunter's. A milky white scar the shape of a fishbone stretches across his eyebrow and down to beside the corner of his lips, just narrowly missing his eyes. He looks nothing like Hunter, though. His smile is wicked, and his eyes glint maliciously.

I squint my eyes, trying to look through the driver's window, but it's so tinted all I can see is the clear reflection of the trees behind us. I almost jump when the thunder starts to rumble. Less than five minutes ago there was no cloud in the sky and the sun was shining.

"You're not taking your training very seriously, Hunter. You do know if you lose tomorrow's fight you'll never be able to see this lovely lady again, don't you?" He points to me with his chin and trails his body down my chest and towards my legs with a lecherous look. I try not to cower away from his stare and instead straighten my shoulders to show him he doesn't intimidate me. He obviously notices this and chuckles deeply. I shiver.

"Leave her out of this." Hunter growls, sounding livid under the calm facade.

"What's your name, lovely?"

"Clair Williams," I speak without hesitation.

He frowns. "Tsk. I'll let that lie slide, Ms Stone, but don't expect me to be lenient the next time you lie to me again."

This man knows my name. What else does he know about me?

"Come closer."

My heart races at this. I start to step forward but Hunter is quick to grab my arm, pulling me back. "Don't," he mutters to me.

The driver door opens and a man also dressed in a black suit steps out, a steel baton in hand. He whips Hunter on the back of his knees. Hunter grunts in pain, falling to his knees. I try to keep an expressionless face, but inside I am willing myself not to cry because that would show weakness, and the last thing I want to do in front of this evil man is to show him I am weak.

"You ought to know your place, you little cunt." The man spits on the ground just beside Hunter. He pats his mouth with a white handkerchief before putting it into his pants pocket. "I won't repeat myself again. Come closer."

My vision starts to blur as I do what he says. I am now within his arm's reach. He grasps my chin in his hands, tapping on my cheek with his index finger. "What a lovely face you have." His breath smells of whiskey. "You should run away now when you have the chance, or you'll end up just like him." He twists my head around so I am looking straight at Hunter who is still on his knees on the ground, his eyes pained. My lips trembles and a drop of tear manages to escape from each of my eyes. "Don't cry. The bastard deserves it."

"Why are you here, Claude?" Hunter asks.

"To make sure that you know if you lose tomorrow, this is just one of the thing you're going to risk losing." The man pushes me away and I slam into the back of Hunter's car.

I exhale a huge breath when the man and the driver enter the car and drive away, tires screeching on the asphalt as they pull out onto the street. As soon as they're out of view I run to Hunter, pulling him up from the ground. I almost choke when I see the blood staining the ground underneath his knees. He must've hurt himself when he fell on the asphalt after the hit.

I help him walk to the car. He hisses in pain. "Fuck, that asshole's going to pay for this."

"That was your biological father?"

"No." He grabs a water bottle from the passenger seat and washes the dirt and blood from his knees. "That was his brother, Claude. Son of a bitch."

"Is he going to kill me?" He grabs my hand but I pull myself away from him. "Is he going to kill me?" I repeat.

He slams his hand on the steering wheel angrily before grabbing a cigarette from the glove box and lighting one. I watch as he presses it to his lips, inhaling. "Get in the car, Leah. I am driving you home." His tone is angry. "And put your clothes on. You're distracting me."

I grab my clothes from the passenger seat and put it on at the same time Hunter puts his shirt on. Hunter has his eyes trained forward as I enter the car. We sit like that in silence, just watching the lake in front of us without saying a word. I try to hide the fact that my hands are still shaking from fear of what just happened.

If I was smart, I would be running away already, but what about school? Graduation? My family and friends? I won't leave them all behind. Telling them about all this would risk their lives too.

I press my hands to my eyes when I feel the tears coming. I don't want him to see me cry. I won't let him see me cry. My whole body starts to shake. I feel his hands around my wrists, pulling them away from my face.

I turn my face away when he does and start to sob. I should've listened to my parents. I should've listened to my brothers. I should've stayed away from Hunter. I would've stayed away if I knew this was the consequence. How could I possibly know that getting myself involved with Hunter would lead to this?

He lets go of my wrists and growls angrily before pulling out of the area.

When we finally arrive at my house I immediately get out of the car without looking back. My parents are in the kitchen making breakfast. As soon as my mother asks, "How was the sleepover?" I know instantly that they didn't know what I had been doing last night. I mutter something about being tired and run up to my room, afraid they would notice that I've been crying the whole time I was in the car.

As soon as I am inside my bedroom, I lock the door and throw my pillow across the room, hitting my desk lamp.

I waste the rest of the day in my bedroom, studying and brainstorming ideas on how I could get out of this situation. So far, nothing has really popped in mind.

Night time finally comes around and I find myself lying in my bed, trying my hardest to forget that the night before, I was pressed up against Hunter's car, begging him to fuck me.

When I finally drift off to sleep I dream of him. I dream of his green eyes and his strong hands around my waist and I wake up knowing exactly what I need to do.


🤘🏼 okay I've been trying to update lately but I have like so many tests coming up and it's really doing my head in ughh sorry xx

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