Chapter 3

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August's POV (Saturday Night)

I pulled up at Chris' party at his house and got out. The music was so loud the ground was bumping. I could already tell Chris was gon get fucked up for this one, especially when his moms find out when she get back in town.

I walked in and Tyga was standing at the door. "What's up."

"What's up bitch ass nigga." he said shaking my hand. I laughed, party started 30 minutes ago and this nigga already high as fuck.

I made my way through the crowd and finally found Chris punk ass, he was standing with that hoe Makiyah who I don't like so I ignore her ass.

"Hey August." she smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and turned towards Chris.

"Nigga what the fuck you got going on in here, drugs and alcohol? 12 gon bust yo ass." I said shaking his hand. I sell, but my black ass know better than to throw a party while doing it. You just drawing attention to the illegal shit you doing. Stupid ass niggas.

He chuckled. "That mean enjoy the shit while it last."

We was having a pretty good time, smoking with a whole bunch of big booty bitches and drinking. But that shit started to get boring as fuck, then it was too many stanking ass people. I looked to the left and Zaliyah was standing there on her phone leaning against the wall. I smiled and walked over there.

"Hey Ze." I said. 

"Hey." she looked up and smiled. I gave her a hug and noticed what she had on, she wore a black sparkly two piece dress. She looked too damn good.

 She looked too damn good

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"You look pretty." I said licking my lips and looking her up and down. 

She smiled and covered her face. "Thank you."

"Aye you wanna walk with me real quick?"

"To where?"

"I don't even know, let's just get the fuck up outta here." I said, she laughed and grabbed my hand.

We walked out and walked out to the beach side. We was just walking there together holding hands for a while until we were far away from the house. I stopped and looked down at her. She looked up at me and we just stared at each other.

"What?" she asked.

"I can't look at you." I said smiling. She smiled and covered her face.

"Why you do that, I hate when girls do that. Let me see that pretty smile." I said trying to move her hand.

Her smile fell and she looked down. "I don't like my smile."

"And why is that."

"I don't like my dimples." she said. I was surprised, usually girls loved their dimples.


"When I was growing up dimples were called ugly and they got talked about, so now I just don't like them."

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