Chapter 1.

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Emmaline Christian pulled her coat tightly over her body to escape the bitting cold winds. She shivered as she made her way to the subway, and down the steps to get to the platform. Even in her sleep deprived state she noticed that she was the only one down there, which is unusual. There is always at least one drunk person waiting to get a ride home, or even the rare homeless man that set up camp for the night. But there was not a single soul out tonight.

She lugged her bag, full of textbooks, over on the bench to wait for her train which is scheduled to be there any minute. Pulling her phone out to scroll through Instagram, she was startled by the sudden loud noise of a whistle, and a train making it's way towards the platform. Even from a distance she could tell that the train was older, much older. It was like the kind you would see in movies from the mid 1900s. Emmaline didn't even realize that they still used trains like this especially at a subway.

She felt that it was strange, but since she knew there is a train supposed to be scedualed for this time, she didn't think twice. When it came to a screeching halt, she drousily picked up her bag and boarded the train. Looking around she again saw no other people. It was only about 12am, surely not everyone is asleep, after all this in New York, the city that never sleeps.

The train was neat inside. Seats were covered in read Velvet, and it had a shiny wooden floors. Not like most trains she has ridden. Again though, she saw no one. Not a single passenger. She could feel her paulse begin to quicken, as a heat flash took over her, usual signs she is nervous. Something wasn't right. She could feel it in her gut. She turned around from her spot in the middle of the seats, to meet with the conductor to demand to be let off the train, and just call a friend for a late lift. Though, as soon as she made her first step forward she felt the slight jerk, and could tell it was to late. The train had begun to move.

"Dâmn it." She hissed to herself sitting herself in the comfy Velvet seat. "Oh well it's just a train, I'm tired, and over reacting. . . yeah thats it." She whispered trying to make this unusual situation make mire sense. She always listened to stories from her mom to not take any drives from strangers, and to be careful of the subway if alone, but never once had she thought twice about boarding a train.

Maybe it was just because she was sleepy, maybe it's because she has not seen a single person since leaving the library, or maybe it was because this train was way out of date for a modern subway, that she fell off about it. Nevertheless, even with the odd surroundings and uneasy feelings, her heavy eyelids began to droop. Darkness slowly taking hold of her while she drifted off into a land filled with dreams.


She was rushing through a dark maze. Smacking walls, and tripping as she ran to her freedom. Just as she saw a small light flicker indicating freedom she felt an unusually cold hand press her shoulder, "Miss" it was as if everything had just stopped, "Miss." Her surroundings now becoming slightly hazy. "Miss" and that did it. Her eyelids flew open, breathing rather heavily, and covered in a thin layer of condensation. She glanced around disoriented for a few moment's, before rembering where she was. Emmaline looked up to the guy that had awoken her up, only to be somewhat startled. The man, no older than 25, with white hair and cool black eyes was looking down to her as if studying her. "Follow me." The man let out with a raspy voice. Not wanting to stay in the scetchy train a second longer she followed the man without hesitation.

Instead of seeing and hearing the buisness of her home town, she was met with chilly air and complete darkness. It wasn't the kind where you could see absolutely nothing, as she clearly saw the desolet cobblestone road ahead of her as she stepped off the train. Emmaline was again scared as her first thought was she missed her stop, but that couldn't be. She has taken the subway before and fell asleep, always being awoken right at her stop. Besides it was clear she was no longer in New York. There were no tall buildings, no loud horns or whistles. . . nothing but complete silence.

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