Chapter Thirty Two - Alive

Start from the beginning

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A few days passed, but I had practically no recollection of them. I kept waking up, eating food, falling back asleep again suddenly. It could have been a year for all I knew, because I didn't know anything. I was stuck in some vortex between being conscious and being thrown into blackness. But every time I was able to think, I thought about Grayson. I couldn't get the boy out of my head. I thought about whether he was alive and well, whether he would be allowed to be a victor and, most of all, I thought about our kiss. If I concentrated hard, I could still feel the tingle and the warmth of his lips on mine.

I looked over to my arm to discover that I no longer had tubes going in and out of me...that meant I was in a stable enough condition. Thank the little goodness left in Panem, I thought. And if I was in a stable condition, surely it meant that they wanted me to get up...

I moved my legs so I was in a seated position, my bare feet touching the cold floor as I sat on the edge of the bed. My head spun slightly, but this head of mine had felt worse. It had had a rough time in the arena, I could definitely say that for sure. Once the spinning subsided slightly, I pushed myself off of the bed. I expected my weak leg with the fresh skin to buckle and send me sprawling out on to the floor...but it didn't. I stood as firm and tall as I had before. I smiled to myself, pleased with the recovery I had made. I wanted to thank the doctors, but the only reason they tried to get me into such a fit state was so I would appeal to the Capitol. I mean, who would want their children to look up to a girl with a mauled leg and a boy with practically no intestines left? I cursed myself for thinking that, and sat down once more.

That was when I noticed there was something on the end of my bed. I leaned over and picked it up. It was the outfit I wore in the arena...well, a new version of it. There were no tears or scorches or any sign that it had been used. The Capitol must have wanted me to look presentable when I finally met up with Haymitch, Effie, my stylists and Cinna...Cinna! I smiled. He really had made me the Flaming Mockingjay once and for all and I was so grateful.

I sighed and put on the outfit once more, covering my bare and vulnerable body. I was glad my ribs and various other bones were no longer on show. I also made sure to push the left sleece of my jacket up ever so slightly, so my ribbon was clearly visible. My ribbon; one of my symbols, a true part of my heart. I laced and strapped up the boots, tucking the ends of the trousers into them. I kept my hair braided down my back. I didn't want to look at it without Grayson's ribbon weaved in.

I then sat myself back on my bed and waited. I only had to sit for roughly four minutes before a part of the wall opened up, causing me to leap to my feet. It was my instinct, the instinct that had been drilled into my head by the Games. But I needn't have worried, it was only Effie. I looked and saw Effie standing with Haymitch and Cinna, waiting for me in a small chamber at the end of the room. Even though I would have preferred it to have been Grayson, I managed a smile. Cinna opened his arms and I half jogged, half skipped over to him. I fell into his embrace, his arms strong and firm.

"Well done, my Flaming Mockingjay. You did it, you're out of the arena. I don't have to remember you after all, because here you are." He said. I smiled brightly. I hugged Effie next. She teetered a bit on her heels, but she hugged me anyway. I decided that Effie wasn't actually that bad as she told me how proud she was and how glad she was that we both got out of the arena. My heart skipped a beat slightly. Grayson must be alive.

But I shocked myself somewhat when I hugged Haymitch next. He didn't smell of alcohol as much as he usually did and he actually hugged me back.

"You did it. You're alive." He whispered into my ear. I nodded into his torso, actually quite glad that I was here to do so.

When I pulled away, I looked at all three of the adults standing in front of me. "Where's Grayson?" I asked them, eager to get to the point. Thankfully, none of them frowned. They actually all smiled, if only a little bit.

"He definitely was in a bit of a sorry state when the doctors dealt with him, but he's doing fine." Effie said. I could have laughed, but not because of humour or amusement. Grayson was in more than just a sorry state. He was practically holding his stomach inside of him when the hovercraft lifted us up. "And the only reason he's not here is because the Capitol want to have your reunion on live television. They think it will please the audience, and I agree with them on that one. It's going to be lovely."

"Lovely. Right." I said. I wouldn't have worded it quite like that, but I guessed the Capitol would, what with their mushy hearts and love for tragic stories of star crossed lovers that would inevitably end with pain or broken hearts. But at least Grayson is alive.

"Come on." Cinna said, "I'm going to get you ready. The world is waiting for the two of you, Harper Anselin. They want to see their Mockingjays again."


I know it's not good, but it's an update. I am so sorry for how late it is! It's been, what, four weeks? Okay, that's despicable. It shouldn't happen again. If it does, you can all give me a small telling off. Anyway, please leave me a comment and maybe a vote or two - I love feedback :) Constructive criticism is always appreciated :3

Thanks for reading, that is it for this chapter, and I hope to see you on the next!

foreversmaug x

May the odds be ever in your favour

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