Rivalry (Request)

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  Hi ! I wanted to ask if you could do Erik's headcanon as Prince N'Jadaka (like he grew up in Wakanda but he's still T'Challa's rival and he sometimes argues over some decisions on Council meetings). I really like your blog, have a good day/night ! 

I'm in love with this idea!! Thank you for requesting bby <3 

- The rivalry between Prince T'challa and Prince N'Jadaka was no secret. They had love for each other, they were cousins, but no one could deny the tension in the room whenever they were both around.  

- They fought a lot, even when they were younger. And it didn't matter how big or how small it was, they would fight over everything. 

- Money, technology, friends, and even women. Most of the arguments ended with them not talking to each other for months. And they honestly preferred it like this, but being family they were forced to make up and deal with each other.

- They were able to keep it cordial for a majority of their lives. 

- That is until King T'chaka died and T'challa was next in line for the throne. That is when shit between them really hit the fan. 

- N'jadaka wanted the throne and thought he was fit to be a way better king then T'chaka and T'challa. 

- And he had no problem letting the way he felt be known to everyone. 

- Now the beef between them was on sight!! No matter where they were, or who they were with they were always ready to fight.

"You think you'd be a better King than me? Please N'jadaka, what could you possibly know about being King?" 

"You think just because your father was King you deserve that title. You're a spoiled little bitch, you don't know what Wakanda needs. But I'll tell you this. I'm what Wakanda needs." 

- T'challa ended up on the throne. And N'jadaka made it his mission to make sure T'challa's reign as king was a living hell. 

- Whenever T'challa had an idea for a new project at the boardroom meetings, N'jadaka always found a problem with it and came up with his own ideas, some even better than T'challa's. He took great joy in making T'challa look stupid in front of everyone. And couldn't stop the grin on his face as he watched T'challa break a sweat.

- N'jadaka insisted that he be present at every meeting and that no decision be made without him knowing. T'challa had a huge problem with this request. 

"I'm your superior, you are not mine. I'm your King N'jadaka, whether you like it or not. And I demand the respect I deserve. I don't need you co-signing my decisions, I know what I'm doing."

"My superior? I don't give a damn. You still the same corny ass little boy I grew up with, and it'll be a cold day in hell before I start treating you any different T'challa." 

Hope you guys enjoyed this request, if you have a headcanon idea you wanna request feel free to do so <3

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