Black Panther Cast as Students

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A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this. I've seen these "black panther cast/character as..." headcanons and thought I'd try it! Let me know if you liked it, and if you have anything you want me to try don't hesitate to drop ya girl a message! Excuse the typos if there are any, it's been a long day... 

- T'challa: The school's sweetheart. Everyone loves him (except Erik), teachers adore him. All the girls swarm at his locker waiting for him to get outta class just to say hi to him. He's so modest and pretends he has no idea he's so loved but deep down inside he craves the attention.

Nakia: Top of the class! She's actually brilliant. She always comes first in the spelling bee and in the science fair. She's most likely going to be valedictorian. She loves a challenge and is very competitive. She act's like she doesn't notice the way her heart races when she spots T'challa staring at her from across the lunchroom. 

- Erik: That one kid that argues the teacher down because he thinks he knows more than the teacher does. Will actually kick your ass if you sit in his seat. The only reason he became student body president is because he literally threatened to murder his opponents and anyone he caught supporting them. He's literally "That Nigga". Throws the best parties, and swears he gets more bitches than T'challa. A FASHION KILLER! His drip can make you seasick. President of the Anime club and has no shame about it! 

M'Baku: The school's jock. Girls try to get at him but he dubs that shit quick. He's focused on him and his teammates. He act's hard but he's honestly just a big teddy bear! He doesn't tolerate bullying, "He will not have it" and will defend the underdog. A Golden Boy. He's a bit of a class clown and really just loves making people laugh, but don't get it twisted. Getting on his bad side is the last thing you want.

- Okoye: A. BAD. BITCH! And she knows it. Her and her clique walk the hallways with so much finesse it's crazy. Head Cheerleader and Captain of the volleyball team. Nakia's best friend! W'Kabi follows her around like a lost puppy. She pretends to be annoyed but she's just as smitten with him, she'd never let him know that tho! 

- W'Kabi: T'challa's Right-hand man! He loves T'challa but sometimes sides with Erik when they argue because he thinks he has some valid points. He hangs in the background and is kinda slept on but he's so much more than what he lets on. He initially joined the track team because he thought it'll get him noticed by Okoye but he actually loves it and is thinking about taking it seriously.  

Shuri: She's only a freshman but is already ahead of the game. She admires Nakia and wants to become valedictorian just like her. She's president of the robotics club and loves science class. She never stops asking questions and can give the teachers a run for their money. She loves embarrassing her older brother whenever she gets the chance. She's a part of the dance team as well and gets to hang out at the popular table at lunch because she has the best memes. 

- Ross: That one white kid that's cool with all the black kids. He get's an invite to the cookouts. He has a thing for Shuri but he's a senior and she's a freshman and he isn't tryna catch that case. Plus he knows she has no time for "colonizers" and her brother T'challa and cousin Erik will kick his ass if he even tried it. He's always confused in class and often has to attend tutoring lessons with Nakia just to keep up. But he's very lovable and is very dependable. He's there for you when you need him the most. 

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