It Was Just A Joke! (Part 1)

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Erik Killmonger X Reader

A/N: I saw this and immediately thought of Erik crazy ass! SO you know I had to turn this into a little fic real quick. ENJOY! Let me know if y'all want the part 2 or nah. 

Warnings: Cursing and shit. 

It was so fucking hot outside today that you stayed indoors, AC cranked up all the way. You were chilling on the couch in barely anything, booty shorts, and a sports bra while Erik was out.

You were scrolling through twitter, super bored. When you came across a tweet. Text Your Boyfriend "Bae Can I Have A Side Nigga?" And Post His Reaction. You liked it but kept it moving, not bothering to pay it any more attention. You continued to scroll through social media but your boredom only grew. You decided to open your messages and text Erik. 

"Hey Babe" You texted him, starting the conversation casual. You walked to the fridged and got a Coke before you planted yourself back on the couch and waited for his reply. It came a few mins later and you jumped at the notification noise. "What's up baby?" He replied. And you thought about how you were gonna start this off. "Can I asked you a question?" You typed back quickly, butterflies fluttering your stomach. You were super nervous all of a sudden. You didn't know how he was gonna react and you knew he might go off. But how bad could it be right? "???" Was his response. It was now or never! "well" you sent first, building anticipation. "can I have a side nigga baby?" You sent it quickly threw the phone on the couch!  You paced around waiting for his message. You don't know why you were so giddy! Probably cause this was the most excitement you were getting all day. Your phone vibrated on the couch and you practically ran to that bitch. You snatched it up and read his message. "bitch ill fuckin kill you and that nigga" you almost screamed reading it before another message popped up after that one. "don't fuckin play wit me" Your heart was in your ass! You immediately started typing back, your acrylic stiletto nails clacking on your phone screen. This wasn't good. You knew he would probably not think it was funny but you must've slipped and bumped your head and forgot who the fuck you were messing with. Erik was really about that life and you weren't entirely sure if he was joking or not. "i- I'm sorry it was a joke" you sent that right away hoping to calm him down. "take a chill pill daddy-o" You sat down. Your legs were weak and your throat was dry. You took a sip of your Coke before you returned to your phone. Your day just went from ridiculously boring to freaking crazy in a matter of seconds. You were waiting for a reply from Erik, a laughing emoji or something, anything. But it was nothing but silence. This was a really bad idea. Why was Erik so extra, couldn't he just take a joke?? Nigga just had to go all Killmonger on you at the most inconvenient times. You understood how he got that title now. 

Hours went by and you hadn't heard from Erik, you called him a few times but got no answer. Was he really icing you out right now? You shook your head. Maybe his phone died? Yeah, that had to be it. He probably wasn't even mad anymore. But what if he was? You decided you were gonna find a way to get yourself out of this. You stripped and hopped in the shower quickly and washed up and shaved, making sure you were spotless everywhere. Legs, arms, and punani bald! Once you were cleaned and freshly shaven you went into the bedroom searching your closet for the lingerie you kept saved for special occasions. It was Eriks favorite and you knew he wasn't gonna be able to stay mad at you in it. It was a lacey Burgandy bra and thong set. You went the extra mile and spritzed on your perfume that he loved the most. It was his favorite scent on you. You sprayed your neck, breast, and your inner thighs. He couldn't possibly stay mad at you. You looked yourself over in the mirror, twisting your fingers in your curly fro, fixing it so that it looked just right. Your hair was gonna be a mess by the end of the night if things went according to plan. You looked at your vanity and saw some of your Fenty body lava, you applied it with you . You took it immediately and sprayed some on across your cleavage. The glitter shinned of your brown chest perfectly. You slipped on your silk robe and your Fenty slippers and sat back down on the couch. You didn't know what to do so you waited... and contemplated everything. How did a little harmless prank turn into you sitting in your living room in lacey lingerie hoping to seduce your man into forgetting everything?

Your thoughts were cut off when you heard his car pulling up in the driveway. SHIT. The butterflies were back. You felt like you were about to take a shit. No bitch, no shits. It was seducing time. You cleared your throat, getting your sexy voice in check. Seconds later he was walking through the door...

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