The Girl Underneath The Mistletoe ~Harry Styles love story~

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Hey people this is a new story idea, that I actually really like! I thought of the idea because I was listening to a JB song called 'Home This Christmas' and 'Mistletoe' and I think it is adorable so here is the first chapter.  Enjoy!

Summer at 7 year's of age

"Momma do I have to go? Santa says I have to be in bed by 9 and it's already...uh um...LATE!" The curly brunette child cried, pointing at the clock on their microwave. Her mother scooped Summer's tiny body up in her arms as she reminded her child "Summer, Santa will visit you as long as you've been a good girl this year and have you?" Summer nodded,eagerly as her waist length curls bounced up and down. 

"Good girl." Summer's mother, Daphne replied. "Now let's go get to the car, daddy's waiting." Daphne urged. Summer followed her mother's orders and ran outside, where her father would help her in the car. Summer was a Christmas girl. Every year, on the night before she went to sleep in her red and green themed pajamas, her mother would read her 'Twas The Night Before Christmas' and before Summer knew it, it'd be Christmas. But this year, it is a little different. Summer's parents were taking Summer to a Christmas party that Summer's father, Curt, had recently been invited to by one of his new co-league's, JoAnna. Summer didn't like the idea of her Christmas Eve being different, she doesn't like change but what she didn't know was there are such things as Christmas Miracles.

~At JoAnna's Christmas Party~

Summer stared out of JoAnna's frosted window trying to make time fly by. The pain of numbness on her butt didn't help her pass time either, but what else could she do? This party was full of grown-ups, not like she checked every single room to see if there was kids, but the majority of this party was adults. "Excuse me." A tiny voice spoke from behind her. Summer whipped around to see a boy with straight, ear length, brown hair and green-piercing eyes. "Yes?" She asked, politely. Her mother always taught her to be kind to everybody. "Can I sit with you? All of these older women are starting to pinch my cheeks and I don't want old lady cooties just yet." Summer chuckled at this boy. "Cooties don't exist on old women, at least... I don't think." Summer replied with a questioning face. The boy tilted his head slightly and laughed. "I like you. My name's Harry." He explained. Summer thought about shaking his hand, but then she decided to be a good girl like her mother told her to and Summer shook hands with Harry. "My name is Summer and okay...?" Summer trailed off as Harry grinned, not letting go of her hand. Summer started to heat up. "Could you come with me for a second, Summer?" Harry asked, as his eyes were sparkling. Summer nodded, not thinking any harm could be done with adults around.

Harry pulled Summer off of the window-sill and dragged her to the center of the house. He then let go of her hand and pointed at the mistletoe. "You see that" He whispered over to her. "That is called a mistletoe, my parents said it's a tradition where people kiss when they are underneath it." Harry stated. Summer widened her eyes and murmured "Harry...we are under the mistletoe." He smirked and before Summer's eyes Harry swiftly kissed Summer on the cheek. Harry winked before replying "I know." Summer sent playful daggers at Harry, but before they could exchange another word, adults appeared behind them. "You've got a cheeky lad there, Anne." A man spoke. "They make an adorable couple." A lady replied. Hundreds and hundreds of comments were exchanged before Summer's parents came over to Summer, breaking up the commotion. 

"Summer it's time to go." Daphne softly said, as Summer was about to say a 'goodbye' to Harry, she was pulled into a hug. "See you next year." Harry whispered inside her ear. More adults 'awed' , including Summer's and Harry's parents.

"Time to go Harry." Anne called as both Summer and Harry parted their ways, awaiting to see each other next Christmas Eve.

Summer 8 year's of age

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