"No I..." Rey's voice trails off. She looks down.

Both are silent for some time.

"Is Luke still refusing to train you?" Kylo asks eventually.

"...yes." She says quietly.

"Has he at least told you what the dark side is?"

"Only not to go there." Rey admits

"Sounds like him. Rey, maybe...maybe I don't have to listen to Snoke. But...you don't have to listen to Skywalker either. Just because he's afraid of the Dark doesn't mean you have to be. It can show you who you are, who you're meant to be. With your help, I could destroy Snoke. We don't have to be as bad as he is. We can change the galaxy for the better, and no child will ever have to scavenge in the desert just to eat."

"I...I don't know." Rey says, uncertain. "I need time to think."

"Well, I'm afraid time isn't one thing you have much of. Everyday we get closer to finding the Resistance base. If you don't make a decision soon, Snoke will massacre your friends before you have a chance to save them."

Rey looks disturbed. "I'll...think about it."

"Good..." Kylo says, distantly.

"This doesn't mean I trust you!" Rey says suddenly. "I haven't forgotten what you've done!"

"Neither have I..." Kylo lays back, and closes his eyes.

The sound of the droid fades from the Falcon.

Rey sits back, looking conflicted. Chewie walks in a moment later and growls questioningly.

"No...I'm okay." She says.

Chewbacca grunts, unconvinced.

There is a ping from Rey's belt. She pulls out a small holo-projector. Rey bites her lip as it pings again. Chewbacca growls pointedly.

"I'm not sure if I want to answer it." She explains.

Chewbacca growls dismissively.

"Alright." She sighs.

Rey clicks a button on the holo-projector. An image of Finn appears out of it.

"Oh...hey," Finn says.

"Hi," Rey says, smiling slightly.

"Wasn't sure if you'd answer the call. Figured you must be busy being trained to be a Jedi or whatever."

Rey looks down, and shrugs. "I think I needed talk to a friend."

"Well for what it's worth, I think I needed to hear from you too."

Chewbacca growls.

"Chewie says hi." Rey says.

"Tell the big guy I said hi back," Finn says with a smile. "So what's he like? Luke Skywalker, I mean."

"Not what I expected..." Rey says. After a moment of hesitation she adds: "He won't teach me the force."

"What? Why?" Finn asks, confused.

She shrugs. "I don't think he really can. He's not what he used to be."

"Is...he coming back with you?"

"No Finn, I don't think he is." Rey sighs. "He isn't a hero or a Jedi warrior anymore. Even if I got him to come back with me, I don't think there's anything he could do."

"Oh...well maybe you don't need him. You could come back and figure out this whole Jedi thing without his help. Who needs Luke Skywalker anyway?" Finn says.

STAR WARS: EPISODE VII - THE LAST JEDI (with a better story)Where stories live. Discover now