Four - Grand Admiral

Start from the beginning


Poe Dameron fires away at the enemy TIE fighters, blowing several to smithereens. He dives his X-wing down, narrowly avoiding a volley of laser bolts. Poe and his two wingmen fly through the battlefield blasting TIE fighters to pieces.

"Watch your back, Poe!" One of his wingmen says, taking out a TIE headed straight for Poe.

"That's what I got you guys for." Poe replies, as he destroys another TIE fighter.

Poe guns his ships engines, racing through the mass of battling fighters. His wingmen struggle to keep up through the fray. The three of them blast apart a group of TIE fighters, and break out of the swarm into open space. There is a group of star destroyers ahead of them. Several other teams of X-wings break from the battle, lining up next to Poe's team.

"Alright here's how we're gonna play this." Poe says over the comm. "We've only got to cripple one or two to keep them stranded. They're trying to keep their fleet together so they won't follow us when we run. Blue squadron you're with me, We'll take that big one front and center. Orange and Green squadrons you run interference for us."

"Roger that, Black Leader." Several voices say over the comm.

Three of the fighters join with Poe's group. All of them fly at the Chimera. A small group of TIE fighters that had been hanging back fly up to meet them. Orange and Green squadrons attack these, keeping them from Poe and his group.

"Alright Blue squadron, you take it from above, we'll go over the top. We'll meet at the engines." Poe says.

The three ships that had joined Poe, break off and fly along the Chimera's underbelly, while Poe's squad flies over the top of it. The X-wings bob and weave between the star destroyers Cannons, easily avoiding their laser-fire.

"Looks like they're making it pretty easy for-"

Laser-fire blows up Poe's right wingman. Kylo Ren's fighter screams in behind.

"Black two is down!" Poe cries. "Black three we'll split and let one of us get behind him!"

"Roger that!" Poe's remaining wingman replies.

Poe and Black Three split up, flying off in opposite directions. Kylo races after Poe's X-wing, blasting laserfire. Poe spins his X-wing to the side, and laserbolts streak past.

Poe leads Kylo along the landscape of the star destroyer's surface. Poe is constantly having to dodge and roll around Kylo's laserfire, often just barely avoiding getting hit. Black Three pulls up behind Kylo's fighter. Black Three fires. Kylo is forced to duck his fighter down, laserbolts flying past.

"Not so fun is it!?" Poe calls out.

Kylo pulls back the throttle of his fighter. Black Three races past, and Kylo fires. The laserbolts shear off one of Black Three's wings. Black Three's X-wing spins out of control, trailing smoke. The X-wing crashes into the top of the star destroyer in a fiery explosion. Poe winces at the sight of Black Three's demise.

"Damn!" He swears.

Kylo resumes his assault on Poe's X-wing. Poe guns his engine, driving his X-Wing to race ahead. He then pulls hard on the control stick, spinning his X-Wing around a hundred and eighty degrees. Now facing Kylo's ship, they both fire at each other. Kylo's shot narrowly misses, but Poe's grazes the hull of Kylo's ship.

"That taste good!?" Poe shouts, as BB-8 chirps excitedly.

"Poe get out of there!" Leia suddenly shouts over the comm.

"Getting soft on me, General? Don't worry I can take this guy." Poe says confidently.

"No Poe, you can't!" Leia says frantically. "He's too-"

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