Chapter 10

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Solitude, where you're least alone. That couldn't be any more accurate to Stiles life right now. At least when people are here, crowding Stiles and pressuring him to snap out of it, there's only one thing to focus on. One person to target in the teens mind, dwelling on every wrong doing. But alone, alone it's everything. It's suffocating.

"Stiles," his dads says softly, but seriously, like there's something important he needs to say, "Something happened last night that you should know." He's hesitant, fearing that delivering more damaging information could send his son even further into demise, and he'll never come out of it.

Scott steps into view, the sheriff pinching the bridge of his nose. One word makes Stiles abruptly stand to his feet. "Derek." Stiles eyes bounce between the two of them, waiting for an explanation. "He's not dead," Scott adds. "But it's not looking good, son," Noah sighs.

Time seems to freeze around the suffering teen, and suddenly, everything seems so simple. Derek lied, everyone lies. Derek's absence, easily explained by his secret. And it's not 'LOVE?' it's love. Love can be a heartless bastard, but his love might not live to see it through.

"Stiles," the sheriff tries carefully, taking slow steps toward him with his hands out, like he means no harm. "I.." Stiles swallows hard, his mind and mouth fighting to even form a sentence, debating if he even wants to, "Need to see him."

Noah and Scott share a look, one of concern but relief, he said something. He spoke.

It all happens in a flash, running downstairs, hopping into the front seat of his dads police car, and rushing to the hospital.

*Play the song*

Scott's mom turns to greet the three men, a sad smile forming, "He's in here." She guides them to the nearest room, glancing at all their faces. Stiles especially, his frozen hand hovering just above the doorknob. Noah puts a hand on his sons shoulder, "You go ahead. We'll wait out here." Stiles nods once, finding what little courage he has to open the door and walk in.

"Derek," Stiles whispers, his hoarse voice cracking. Though Stiles knows he should be crying, bawling his eyes out, his body is too dehydrated to even form tears. His eyes scan over Derek's bare upper half, aimless cuts and gashes, but a bandage wraps around his abdomen, blood completely soaked through. Why isn't he healing? A small whimper passes his trembling lips. His unsteady hand reaches to touch Derek's forearm, and his weak fingers squeeze reassuringly. "I'm right here, Derek, okay? I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." Stiles remembers Peter saying something about being trapped in your own head as a werewolf, you can hear everything around you but you're stuck, and Stiles prays that his words are making it through to Derek.


"Stiles, sweetie," Mellisa shakes him gently, "Hey, why don't you go home and get some rest." Stiles lifts his head from the hospital bed and shakes it, silently disagreeing to going home. He glances at Derek and then Mellisa for any news. "He hasn't changed. I'm sorry," she rubs his back comfortingly, giving him another sad smile, "If you're going to stay, at least drink something, okay? I brought you a water." He nods a couple of times but waits for her to leave before gulping it down.

His hand stays laced with Derek's cold one as Stiles stares at him for what feels like forever. His eyes only advert behind him when voices sound and the door is pushed open, revealing Deaton, Scott, and Lydia. The three of them pause to look back at Stiles, unreadable expressions.

"What happened to him?" Stiles asks quietly. "The alphas," Scott responds. "Then why isn't he healing?" Scott leaves this question to Deaton, while his own eyes meet the floor. "He took quite some damage, Stiles. On top of that, they stuck a pole through his stomach. It wouldn't be so bad on its own, but as you know, it takes longer to heal when it's from an alpha, he took on four. To be honest, it's a miracle he made it out alive." That, by no means, made Stiles feel any better about the situation, but Deaton tells the truth, he's at least grateful for that.

"Allison told us," Lydia tells him softly, letting Stiles know she's not upset. "I'm sorry you thought you couldn't tell me," Scott apologizes, "I just didn't want to see you get hurt because of the secret, but it was selfish of me to keep it from you. I didn't know how much Derek meant to you."

"I love him," Stiles states, making the room fall silent again. "What?" Lydia questions, not sure if she heard that quite right. "It took me awhile to realize it, and I didn't want to believe it...but I love Derek." Their shocked expressions fade to a beaming smile, making Stiles blush slightly, and then frown. It doesn't matter how he feels now, not if Derek doesn't make it. He tightens his grip on the males hand, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion and worry.

"What? What is it?" Deaton asks. "Hi-his hand, he's burning up," Stiles exclaims with a gulp. The veterinarian is suddenly inspecting Derek up and down. "He wasn't like this before?"

"No. No, he was cold," Stiles explains quickly, "What's happening to him?"

"Uh, I don't—I don't know."

A sudden gasp surprises everyone in the room, Derek shooting straight up in bed. He clutches his stomach and groans before his eyes bounce from person to person. "Derek..." Deaton says cautiously. He ignores his name and turns to Stiles, he looks at their intertwined hands, then stares dead into those auburn eyes with a lost puppy expression.

"Did you mean it?" Derek asks so softly Stiles almost doesn't hear him. "Of course I meant it, you idiot, why do you think I'm here?" Derek smiles, even though Stiles did just call him an idiot. With what little strength he has, he pulls Stiles toward him and connects their lips, a passionate kiss that leaves Lydia clearing her throat awkwardly. "Well, he seems okay. Maybe we should go," she announces, ushering the two men with her out the door for some privacy.

"Ah," Derek winces and pulls away, a shaky hand covering his wound. "What is it? Am I hurting you?" Stiles asks frantically. "No," Derek chuckles, "I'm healing."

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