Chapter 6

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Stiles kicks off his shoes with a sigh. He rubs his eyes with the backside of his hand and continues to trudge up the stairs. School and lacrosse practice easily take a lot out of the teen. He uses his foot to push his bedroom door open, discarding his bag aimlessly onto the floor.

Stiles flicks on the light on the way to his bed, but his movements come to a sudden halt and he becomes frozen in place. A shadow, a long male shadow is right next to him. Stiles feels his heart pick up and his brain wracks for a plan, one that ends with him alive and well. He lunges for the baseball bat leaning against his bed frame.

Before Stiles can even completely turn around, the bat is caught mid-swing. The teen releases his weapon and goes for a blow to the gut instead. Blocked.

"Stiles," Derek grunts, catching his wrist this time. "Derek?! What the—how did you even—get out!"

"Calm down, I just need to talk to you," Derek states, letting go of the other male. "Take a hint, Derek," Stiles mumbles under his breath, and somehow the Hale hears him. "I get it, okay? You don't want to see me. This isn't about that." Stiles finally turns around to meet those sea blue eyes, pointing accusingly at him. "Then why the hell are you here?" Derek let's his usual blank expression falter, he turns his head to the side, clearly not wanting to look at Stiles—or not wanting Stiles to look at him. "What is it?" The teen asks, fighting the urge to comfort his ex. Something about seeing Derek upset makes Stiles chest tighten, but he can't do this anymore.

"There's something you don't know about me," Derek says quietly, breaking the minutes of silence he left between them. "Well you're not exactly an open guy," Stiles scoffs. Derek ignores the comment continuing on. "And there's a chance you're going to find out. Soon." Stiles shakes his head, "Save it, okay? I don't care anymore."

"No," Derek states, his features hardened, "This is important." He grabs on to Stiles elbow, preventing him from leaving, forcing him to listen. "Derek, let me go," Stiles instantly protests. "You're going to be upset, I asked someone to keep this from you. Come to me first, got it? When you find out, promise you'll come to me first."


"Promise me, Stiles."

"Fine. I promise," he practically growls, "Now let me go." Derek does as he's told and takes a step back.

Stiles chews on his bottom lip, knowing he has to do this. Things have gotten too complicated too fast being friends with benefits, he shouldn't have agreed in the first place.

"You can't come here anymore," Stiles says softly. "I know," Derek almost whispers, refusing to look at the teen again. "No, Derek, I mean we can't do this," he gestured between them, "Anymore...whatever this is."

"I know," he states. Stiles clenches his jaw, why is Derek so okay with this. Why is he being so understanding? Stiles tries his damndest not to cry, not again. His bottom lip quivers against his will and he shakes his head at himself. "Derek," Stiles shaky voice says as the Hale starts getting closer, he means to stop him but doesn't.

Derek gently runs his thumb across Stiles cheek, smiling sadly, "Maybe when things are less..complicated, we could try again. Start fresh." He closes his eyes as he feels Derek kiss his forehead and he keeps them closed until his front door opens and shuts.

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