Chapter 1

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Derek stands almost creepily at the back of the schools lunchroom. It's oddly painful watching Stiles flirt, or what he thinks is flirting, with Lydia. Only a month has gone by and he's already back to pining after the strawberry blonde.

"Hey, Stiles?" Danny half asks, glancing between Derek and him. "Yeah?"

"Isn't that your cousin Miguel?"

Stiles and Scott both whip their necks around at the name. Derek doesn't move, or even blink it seems like. He just stares at the teens.

With a sigh, Stiles steps over the lunch tables bench, which earns him a pointed look from Scott. "I'll be right back," he announces, but it's more of an assurance for Scott.

Derek stares at the tips of his boots until sneakers come toe-to-toe with him. He looks up with a blank expression, hands buried deep in his pockets. "Still not with Lydia?" Derek basically mocks, but only to cover his slight jealousy. "Why are you here, Derek?" Stiles asks coldly, folding both arms across his chest. "Because your school has shitty security."

"I'm serious," Stiles says trough pressed teeth. "I don't remember you being this hostile when we were together," Derek comments, obviously his goal is to piss the teenagers off. "And I don't remember you being around this much when we were together," Stiles bites back. Their short lived relationship was ended by Stiles, after feeling like he was alone because Derek was never really with him. Sometimes out of town, other times he'd just go quiet—no texting or calling. It became too aggravating and eventually Stiles gave up on them.

"But do you remember what we were good at?" Derek smirks. Stiles visibly tenses, not here. "Hm?"

"Derek," Stiles warns, unintentionally glancing at everyone who could be listening to them. "How I made you feel?" He says in a low voice. "Damnit," Stiles curses under his breath. He has always been weak and easily seduced by that voice of his. Unwelcome memories of all their nights together come flooding to the surface like vivid dreams.

Against his better judgment, Stiles drags Derek into a separate hall, only catching a glimpse of his best friends disapproving look.

He bites his lip in attempt to stop the urge to smash his lips to Derek's right now. "Seriously, Der, just tell me what you want. Why are you here?" Derek flinches at the nickname, no one calls him that, only Stiles; and Stiles hasn't talked to him since they broke up.

"I've been thinking..." he trails off, slowly backing the teen against the white brick wall. Stiles has an internal battle of succumbing to his desires or being rational and pushing his ex away. Stiles doesn't pick a side before his back meets the cool brick, trapping him with Derek's hands placed next to either side of his head. "We could be friends with benefits."

Stiles scoffs at the idea even though he's actually debating it, but he doesn't want Derek to know that. "Come on, hot sex whenever you want," Derek grins, "No strings attached." With his raging teen hormones, Stiles has been metaphorically dying lately, that's for sure. And it's not like he's the one-night-stand type. Plus, he's comfortable with Derek, because he was the males first and only up to this point.

"No strings attached," Stiles echos, looking at the Hale for confirmation. Derek nods slowly, a smirk defining his face again.

Stiles is taken by surprise when those pink lips meet his, hungry for contact. "Oh. Oh, you mean now," he more of comments to himself. His arms wrap around Derek's neck as he moans softly into the kiss, Derek teasingly palming Stiles.

The moment doesn't last long, the two being brought apart by the schools bell, signaling the end of lunch. "Tonight," Derek states. Stiles nods quickly then jogs to where his friends are throwing away their foam trays.

Scott shoots his friend a 'we need to talk' look before throwing his arm around Allison's shoulder and heading to her locker. Stiles sighs dramatically, he's definitely going to lie about this.

Stiles goes to his locker and grabs his English book before walking to class and sitting next to the window. Scott comes in moments before the bell rings and takes the empty desk next to him.

Instead of starting a civil conversation, like Stiles hopes but knew they wouldn't have, Scott smacks his arm. "Owe, dude!" Stiles exclaims, rubbing the same spot, "What the hell was that for?"

"Why was Derek here?"

"You couldn't have lead with that?" He mumbles, still rubbing his arm for the sake of being dramatic. Scott just gives him an expecting look, raising his eyebrows as he waits for an answer. Stiles roles his eyes, "He just wanted to talk."

"About what?" He presses. "Nothing really. It was just Derek being Derek, okay?"

"So you're not going to start seeing him again?"

"I'm not gonna start seeing him again," Stiles assures, shaking his head. Of course it's a lie, but not a complete lie. It's not like they're dating or anything, but Scott wouldn't understand. He has Allison, a perfect girlfriend who he can sleep with whenever he wants. Well, whenever her dad isnt home or his mom isn't, but still. Plus, it's not like Derek is a bad person. He treated Stiles right, he's just not boyfriend material, that's all.

"Stilinski!" The teacher shouts for the forth time, finally gaining the students attention. "What?" He asks, clearly caught up in his thoughts and not hearing what the teacher said. Scott groans quietly and face palms.

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