19- A winters storm

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The storm raged outside the motel, and new human Cas sat in his bed terrified. This hadn't scared him before but then being stabbed didn't either. It was getting bad and the windows were rattling real bad. Sam was at the bunker having sprained ankle ankle from a vamp hunt a couple days earlier, so it was just Cas and Dean. They had killed the ghost of a little girl, an hour or two ago. Dean said there would be a storm and he needed his 4 hours and Cas certainly needed to sleep, because of this they were, well dean was, driving back in the morning.

Cas had no idea how Dean was still asleep but he was. Suddenly he had an idea, he remember someone telling him kids would sleep with their parents to make them feel safe. Well Dean always made Cas feel safe sooooooo......

As Cas didn't understand human customs he got up and got into Deans equally uncomfortable motel bed. Dean seemingly recognising it was Cas , barley stirred. As Dean was looking up towards the grungy ceiling, Cas put his head over Deans chest and his comforting steady heart beat lulled him to sleep, almost making him forget about the howling wind.

Dean awoke to find someone in his arms, their head on his chest. The odd thing was he and this girl had clothes on. Dean looked down to see a familiar mop of black hair. He smiled to himself, Cas must of been scared by the storm. So Dean lay there with Cas in his arms and contrary to what he would of believed, it felt good, it felt natural, it felt like home.

I'm back beez! That was fun... season 14 is here soon. Let's all pray for the wicked. Anyways...

Love atoms🦋

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