Chapter 48

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There were many drafts of unwritten letters in Sable's bottom drawer, buried beneath design catalogs. It was true she had considered writing to Label several times over the years. But she never finished a single letter, sometimes stopping after the first sentence. Besides, she had no idea where to send the letter either.

Sable glanced at the pile as she was going through some new designs one day. When she was younger, she used to shove the letters in there and note that she would finish it later.

But she never knew how to finish the letter or what to say. Anytime she thought about reconnecting with Label, her mind was changed the next day. What she really needed was some guidance, but she would never speak to Mabel about the matter.

Sable shoved the catalogs back on top of the letters and shut her drawer. She kept so many old things in these drawers, but she never had the strength to throw anything out.

It was quite a boring day at work. The sky was cloudy again and the air was cold. No one really wanted to be outside or venture around.

Sable stitched and sewed while Mabel cleaned the floors and tossed spools of thread around.

"Hey, can I use the sewing machine?" Mabel asked. "There's a new shirt I wanted to work on."

"I'm finishing tomorrow's set," Sable explained.

"Oh, please!"

"We're working," Sable said again.

"No one is here. You haven't taken a lunch break anyway," Mabel said.

"There's nothing to do," Sable muttered. "So I'm going to work on this."

"Oh, come on. You always get to use the sewing machine."

"Fine," Sable said, getting out of her chair and letting her sister take over.

"Now you can do my job," Mabel suggested.

"As if," Sable replied. "Did you finish running those errands?"

"I forgot!" Mabel gasped. "But you can do them right now if you need something to do. The list is on the table."

Sable leaned over and grabbed the sheet of paper.

"Wait...these are all things I can only get at Nookington's."

"Just go over and buy it," Mabel said, beginning to focus on her sewing.

"I don't want to go there," Sable complained.

"Well, some things on that list are necessities. Just go real quick," Mabel said, shooing her with her hand.

"I'll kill you later," Sable growled, taking off her apron and stepping outside. It really was as cold as she guessed it was. The leaves were swirling to the ground in a steady steam, and the wind blew into Sable's face.

I can't believe I have to go here, she thought.

She only ever went to Tom Nook's shop out of absolute necessity, but she figured her sister had set her up today. For as much as Mabel never once mentioned Label, she liked to get on Sable's nerves about Tom.

The walk was short, but Sable tried to drag it out as long as possible. Each step made her more and more restless until finally she was at the entrance of Nookington's. The doors slid open, and who was there to greet her but Tom Nook himself.

He'd grown older and plumper as the years went on, though Sable supposed she had too. Still, it was hard to imagine there had ever been that sparkle in his eyes or his mouth had always been tied up in a smile.

"W-Welcome to Nookington's," he stammered, clearly not expecting her. "Can I help you with anything?"

"Just doing errands," she said quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

As much as she expressed her hatred toward him to her sister, it was very hard for her to act impolite when she was around him. The only time she ever had was her outburst at him that had ended their friendship for good. Now every encounter was awkward and painful, even if it had been several years.

"Ah, yes, very good," he said, keeping his distance.

She pursed his shelves, grabbing items on Mabel's list. The list seemed a lot longer than she remembered as she walked around in silence, hearing the elevator-like music play on the speakers.

She wished everything on the list had been upstairs, that way she'd just have to deal with Nook's nephews. But of course, everything Mabel needed could be found on the first floor. Typical...

"Um, how is your day going?" Tom asked, clearly feeling as awkward as her. He had never acted hostile toward her, but he'd never made an effort to make up with her either.

"Oh, it's good," she lied. She hesitated before saying, "How about you?"

"Oh, good, good," he said. "It's kind of cold today, huh?"

"It's autumn," Sable reminded him.

"Oh, yes, yes, that's right," he said.

"Well, I have all my things," she said.

"Oh, yes, I'll ring you up," he said, rushing to his cashier desk. Sable fumbled through her bag before pulling out the necessary bells. There was an awkward exchange as he handed her the bag and then she headed out.

"Oh, happy early birthday!" he said, referring to her birthday that was coming up in a few weeks.

She should've said 'thank you,' but all she could mutter was, "Hm..surprised you'd even remember," before walking out.

Immediately Sable regretted her words. She felt embarrassed, but also sort of proud she'd been able to say that to him. It wasn't like he had ever apologized. Of course, she had said some harsh things, but she thought she deserved an apology more than him.

She returned to find the shop still empty and Mabel sewing away.

"I got everything," Sable said.

"And more?" Mabel asked.

"Shut up," Sable replied, heading upstairs to set the bag back down.

"That store is ridiculous," Sable muttered as she returned back into the shop.

"Oh, please. You're just upset because I made you see Tom," Mabel said.

"So you admit to it."

"Of course. You hold too many grudges."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sable questioned.

"Nothing, nothing," Mabel replied.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I insulted him before I left anyway."

"You what?!"

Sable quickly explained her small little response to Nook's comment. Mabel held her claws to mouth, simply horrified.

"How can you say things like that?!"

"You barely remember when he was a part of my life, so you don't have any right to question me," she challenged.

"I was eight! I remember when I was eight!" Mabel argued.

Sable sighed and shook her head. "Are you almost done?" she asked.

Mabel nodded. "Just finishing the last stitch. I can't believe you said that though."

"Believe me, I'm extremely embarrassed and can never return now," she said, returning to her seat at the sewing table.

"One day you're going to have to face all of this," Mabel warned her.

Sable laughed. "As if." Tom barely crossed her mind when Mabel said that. She thought of Label instead. It had been over twenty years. If Sable had not felt the need to contact her sister in that time, she doubted she ever would.

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