Chapter 35

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"Letter for Sable!" came a voice outside the shop.

Sable finished ringing up the last customer and bursted outside, finding Pete waiting at her door. He stood with a letter in hand, and she knew immediately who it was from.

"Thanks, Pete," she said, taking the letter from him.

"That Tom sure writes frequently. I've never made so many trips over here before."

"Well, it gives you something to do," Sable teased.

She waved good-bye and headed back inside to read her letter. The shop was nearly closed for the day, and she doubted any customers would be coming back in.

Mabel was napping upstairs, leaving Sable to sit alone in the quiet and read her letter.

Sable, it read.

I hope you're doing well. Not much else has changed here. I still have that job, but Uncle said he'd try to find another job for me real soon. There's been no talk of a big business deal yet, but I'm sure it'll happen soon enough. I can't wait to open my own store. I might have to compete with you to see whose shop is better once mine opens.

I did have something I wanted to mention though. I had some time off yesterday to explore the city. Sable, there's so much to see and do! You should really visit sometime. There are a bunch of nice shops and fun places to eat. The way the lamps light up at night is really extraordinary, but I guess nothing can compare to stargazing with you.

I'm getting off track. Anyway, I went into this new designer store yesterday called GracieGrace. Everything there was incredibly expensive, and I was going in to kill some time. I thought I saw you...but it wasn't you. I think I may have run into your sister, the one who left for the city?

She was working there and seemed to be the only staff member. I was going to ask if she was your sister, but she quickly assured me that she had no knowledge of you or Mabel. Still, she looked very similar to both of you, and I find it hard to believe that she didn't know you. She seemed to be really bothered with me as soon as I said your name. She had dark purple quills, dark, narrow eyes, and was wearing an array of eyeshadows. I don't know if that description helped at all, but maybe that's her. 

I just thought I should share this with you. I'll send you another letter this weekend! Don't work too hard.


Sable's hands began to shake. Tom's description was not extensive, but enough to make her realize that it was Label he had run into.

She took a few deep breaths. For one, she knew her sister was safe, and apparently living in luxury if she were working for a store like that. There was a bit of relief on Sable's part, but also anger. Why hadn't she reached out to them, then if she were living that way?

"Hm...she got her dream, I guess," Sable muttered.

It bothered her to know that Label had lied about her connection to them. Had she just disowned them forever? Sable knew Label was unhappy when she left, but Label had not once expressed her disdain for the family, only the way they were living.

Dear Tom,

I must admit, I was a bit shocked by the first letter you sent me. I can guarantee you that was my sister you saw. Why she lied about knowing us, I don't know, but at least I have a better understanding of where she is and what she's up to in the city now.

Tom, please don't try to speak to her. I'd rather you stay away from her. Clearly we are not on speaking terms, and I don't know if we will be. I don't like to bring her up in front of Mabel, and I think it's best this encounter just dies out. I never really talked about Label to you, but we had a falling out when she left. 

As for visiting you in the city, you know I'd love to, but I have to run the shop. Now that you mention my sister is really there, I wouldn't really want to run into her. Maybe one day though. Good luck in your city adventures. 

With love,


Mabel took big steps down the stairs, rubbing her eyes. Sable glanced up and grinned at her.

"Are you up?" she asked.

Mabel nodded.

"Why don't we visit the museum?" Sable suggested. The museum had opened up early in the spring, and they hadn't had a chance to visit yet. Mabel nodded eagerly and they headed out.

Sable slipped the letter into the mailbox along the way until they came to a large, white building with large columns and a slanted roof.

"Wow," Mabel said, glancing at it.

"Let's go see what's inside," Sable encouraged her.

They stepped inside, finding a brown owl with a small green bowtie waiting to meet them.

"Welcome to the museum."

"What do you have here to see?" Sable asked.

The owl's eyes widened. "Ah...well...the museum is a collection of fossils, bugs, art, and fish, but...we don't have it filled yet. There isn't too much to see."

"Oh," Sable replied, upset that she was going to let Mabel down.

"But it is stargazing hours. If you head up those stairs, my sister Celeste will happily show you the observatory."

"Let's do that," Sable said. She grabbed Mabel's hands and led her younger sister upstairs into a small room with a giant telescope. A pink owl with the cutest bow stood, looking happy to see them.

"Hello, are you here to stargaze or make a constellation?"

"We're here to stargaze," Sable told her.

"Well, step on up."

Sable motioned Mabel forward, and the small hedgehog put her eye to the telescope. Celeste moved the large object for her, and Mabel gasped in amazement as she moved it around.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Celeste asked.

Mabel nodded.

"Would you like a look?" Celeste asked Sable.

She nodded and pressed her eye to the telescope now. She began moving it around while Celeste began lecturing Mabel on the stars. As Sable glanced around, she thought of that night she and Tom had stargazed on the roof.

Her eyes fell to the clump of stars that she had named as "Star Shirt." She grinned a bit, then turned the telescope slightly, falling on the constellation Tom had made up for himself.

She didn't know why, but tears came to her eyes. Tom had been gone a while now, but she still missed him every day. She pulled away as Celeste finished her speech.

"Are-are you crying?" Celeste asked.

Sable wiped her tears away. "I'm fine."

"Ah, nature can inspire raw emotion. I understand that," Celeste whispered.

Sable nodded and grinned, though of course that wasn't the real reason she was crying. She realized it would be a while until she had completely accepted the fact that Tom was in the city, but at least that night of stargazing would always remain in her memory.

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