Prologue: The Meeting

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For once, there is a flower shop. And many boys and some girls visit them. To buy flowers. Yoongi was a flower boy with a gummy smile on his face.

And there's one guy who delivers the flowers all the time when Yoongi answered everyone's calls through the phone for ordering flowers.

And I'm Y/N, I'm 19 years old girl, who loves flowers. And I always visit Yoongi's flower shop. I helped him to water the flowers everyday to keep fresh on the flowers and more customers buying it.

I smiled when I was done helping watering his flowers, he puts a gummy smile on his face. "Thanks, Y/N! Couldn't have done it without you as usual." He winked.

"You're very welcome! It's just a pleasure to help you since you have no one to help with." I chuckled to myself.

"Since that delivery boy isn't coming, why don't we have some tea or just juice?" He asked me a question. Why? He always treats me when we were done with it.

"Sure. I'd like a tea." He nodded. We're heading off to the cafe and he ordered us tea.

"So, what do you want to talk about, Yoongi?" I spoke.

"Ehh, I just want to say that I'm starting to like you." He replied. Confessed me that he likes me?

"How so?"

"You always help me water the flowers while I do help the customers pay their flowers... I was really starting to like you for the past days." He got nervous, waiting for my answer.

"Wait.. so you do li-" Someone spoke, cutting my words.

"THERE YOU ARE! I was looking all over for you, Yoongi!" We both look at the person who cutted my words, it was Jimin. The delivery guy. "And who's th-" Yoongi shushed him. Making him to keep quiet since he told me he's scared of Yoongi.

"She's Y/N. My best friend who always helps me water the flowers. I assume you didn't met her?" Yoongi points me and to Jimin.

"O-of course not, hyung! I was always deliver the flowers to their houses for hours!" Yoongi sat up. Grabbing my wrist and head somewhere. Jimin followed. "Let's go back. Our break is over." He's mad. Jimin was worried so he was beside him.

"Don't worry, hyung! I'm sure I'll get to know her." He looked at me. "Right?" Giving me an ok hand.

I awkwardly rolled my eyes and turning away from him. He mumbled. "Such a rude girl..."

"I heard that, Jimin." Yoongi looks at him scowling at his face. He looks down with his hands weak. I chuckled. "Don't laugh at me, Y/N! Someday, I will be friends with you." Jimin bravely looking at me and I looked at him with a poker face. Yoongi looks at him and he's scared. I laughed a little.

"Hehe, such a funny delivery guy."


We all got inside. Preparing our flowers. Watering them, even the outside. Yoongi brought the ladder stairs for me to water the above ones. He holds them not to fall off. Then some car drove a little fast and to the right towards to the flower shop.

Jimin was walking down the road and saw me trembling when the car just straight forward driving. Jimin rushes and Yoongi's eyes widen seeing me about to trip from the stairs.

A slowmotion appeared, I was about to trip and Yoongi is handing out his hand while Jimin rushes to me falling. Closing my eyes on who's the first to caught me.

And who caught me?

Chapter 1 will be made in Saturday!


Hello! It's me, Rin! I have a much more work on my story, "Do you love me too?" I hope you enjoyed on my second story FF, Flower Guy & Delivery Guy!

Much love,

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