"Why?" Sam growled.

"He wanted to create a new breed of demon, but he was in the cage and couldn't produce any offspring." Crowley picked at his nails. "And I was never the biggest fan, as you know, so I wasn't a part of the plan."

Dean groaned internally. "And how does that help us?"

"It doesn't." He chuckled. "And that's not my problem. As long as Jordan keeps away from me, she will never find out who her long-lost great-great-great grandparent is."


Castiel stood at the edge of the sandbox with the guardian angel by his side. He had been called via "angel radio" to meet there. He never truly understood why the angels chose a playground, of all places, for one of their gateways.

The sand kicked up in a whirlwind of light. The dust settled to reveal Hannah, squinting in a half-smile at him.

"Hello, Castiel."

He nodded. "Hannah. What is this about?"

She stepped down from the sandbox and nodded at the guardian, who made himself scarce. "Jordan Connaly," she replied.

Castiel tried not to look surprised; he had figured that the angels would inquire about her eventually, he just hoped it would be later rather than sooner.

"She is becoming a hazard," Hannah elaborated.

Castiel blinked. "How?"

"We know that she has begun to tap into her demon powers. It sent out a shock wave throughout Heaven."

"But she's been blessed, she isn't a danger--"

"That was before," Hannah said harshly. Castiel's brows furrowed and she sighed. "We need to eliminate the problem before--"

"No," he insisted. "She is not like her family, she is not dangerous."

"We cannot be sure of that." Her eyes became soft and she placed a hand on Castiel's arm. He looked down at it and back to her, anger darkening his blue eyes. "If she does not come to us, or you do not deliver her, Heaven will come for her."

He shook his head. "Surely something else can be done." Hannah did not respond. "Sam and Dean won't let you."

She closed her eyes, exasperated. "We can handle the Winchesters--"

"I won't let you."

Hannah stared at him, shock and disappointment mixed in her expression. Castiel was surprised, as well, he had not realized just how much he cared for Dani. But he watched her as she sacrificed herself for Sam and as she fought alongside Dean. He knew that, if they were there, Sam and Dean would insist that she was family.

Searching for more information, he asked, "What would you do with her? Kill her?"

Hannah did not speak, but her eyes held the answer. Castiel shook his head, finally pulling out of her grasp. Hurt flashed across her face, but it became stoic again in a second. With a final lethal look, he turned away.


Castiel barged into the bunker, interrupting Sam and Dean's recounting of their conversation with Crowley to Dani. They started at the bang of the door swinging open and the stomping of his feet on the metal steps.

"Dani?" the angel called.

"We're in here," she answered, sharing a confused glance with Dean, who sat across from her. She could feel Sam come a little closer to her and sit a little taller, at which she sighed.

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